
Monday 21 November 2011

Santa post

I can’t show you the package I sent to Illene today for Fee’s 2011 Advent Swap because this ‘doofus’ forgot to take a photo!!!! I was in a bit of a hurry trying to get it all wrapped and parcelled up so that I could take it to the post office today to be on its merry way before I left for ‘work’ (I’m volunteering two days a week at Lifeline to get back into the swing of things!!) so photos were not at the forefront of the grey matter!!! Needless to say, it looked something like this…. santa present ….well, maybe that’s a ‘slight’ exaggeration…..but it did look a little like this one…. ….except plain packaging…ok… looks nothing like it!  But hopefully Illene will take a photo when it arrives and share it with us all! LOL My mind’s not quite with it this week as I dropped my son off at Airlie Beach for Schoolies week on Saturday.  Boy, isn’t that a test of a parent’s trust!!!!!  Well, so far so good, only one of the boys has been bribed into having his torso waxed and all I can say is, if that’s the worst thing they do, then we are blessed! Needless to say, I’m not thinking exactly straight and I’m hoping for Thursday to roll around quickly so I can have him home again, safe and sound! Sugary hugs xo  Wendy :O)


  1. Don't worry - you are not the first and you wont be the last - the important this is you got it in the mail!

  2. lol,i had my computer tower crash last week and i lost all my pics of all the gifts from all the xmas swaps i am in which is 3 plus Fees but i have pics of that one,lol.Yes i know what you mean you worry until they are back home safe and sound.My DD1 is manager of the Ballarat one and loves her job.

  3. Hang in there Wendy. Thursday is not too far away. Thinking of you. Still no parcel - :(

  4. I think we all do that, Wendy, lol! I know what you mean about letting them go off on their own, yikes, it's always hard....but not long til Thursday!

  5. O I remember ''leavers'' when my girls were yr 12... I went with the eldest girl for hers... yes I was the ''18 yr old''... I tell you the group of girls I had were really well behaved and I often had quite a few for dinner and I would always leave the leftovers out and in the morning they would be all gone... our house would have gone from 6 17 yr olds to maybe 12 or 15 by morning... hang in there Wendy xxx

  6. Hello Wendy,

    I am sure Illene will love her parcel of goodies. The postie is certainly earning his keep at this time of the year.
    Happy days.


Hi.....thanks for visiting and I'm glad you've stopped by to visit and leave me a comment. I'll try to reply each time, but if I don't, it's because I've been hijacked by the family.....know I've read it and it reeeeally warms my heart. *insert jiggly heart here*
sugary hugs :o)
Wendy xox