
Tuesday 29 July 2014

A Finish in the wings…

Another block finished and one more block to catch up….

IMG_4606 (1024x768)

then only two more blocks to finish.

IMG_4607 (1024x768)

I’m loving this Quilty Stitches Sampler-a-long generously hosted by Cory…’s still free on her blog if you want to go and download and start your own.  I’ve followed along with her colours but you could easily choose ones to suit your own decor.  

However, being the ‘rebel’ (?) that I am,  I’m not going to fill in the background to each block because I like it the way it is….I might do a darker, maybe the charcoal (I used on the barn roof), border around the outside before I frame though. (talk about pushing the boundaries!)  And then I’ll have another finish for OPAM…at last!

It always feels so good when there’s a finish in the wings, doesn’t it?

Sugary hugs xox :o)

my signature



  1. Your Quilty Stitches are coming along nicely, Wendy. I've got block 13 ready to stitch but I'm waiting to take it on retreat this weekend. I'm not doing any background either (or borders at this point). I love the way the blocks pop out from the white aida.

  2. It's looking soooo good Wendy! You will LoVe it when completed I'm sure & I may just have to download it too! THANKS :)

  3. Your cross stitch blocks look fabulous. I had to unpick way back on 7 sew I must get back to it...

  4. Very rebellious LOL. They're looking really good and "smelling" that finish really gives motivation doesn't it?

  5. Your stitchery is faabulous, dahling :)
    I love the rebel in you. I was trying to figure out how your's were different and then you tell us you didn't fill in - I absolutely LOVE this look.

    Gorgeous - just like you :)

  6. Lovely project Wendy and it is looking good. not far to go now! xx

  7. IT looks lovely - I've been working in that too - although I haven't touched it in a while. at the moment mine is only a 3 x 3 (though it will probably go 3 x 4 so I can fit it in a frame I have waiting) and I haven't done the white bits in between - but I am thinking I might use a charcoal to outline each block too.


Hi.....thanks for visiting and I'm glad you've stopped by to visit and leave me a comment. I'll try to reply each time, but if I don't, it's because I've been hijacked by the family.....know I've read it and it reeeeally warms my heart. *insert jiggly heart here*
sugary hugs :o)
Wendy xox