
Sunday 2 November 2014

It’s been one kinda month, but I’ve managed an OPAM finish or two!

…with not much crafting, but it was the end of October so the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which I’m pretty involved in, not because I’ve had breast cancer, but some very close friends have….and cancer is something we all need to work towards eradicating, or at least, curing. 

breast cancer awareness month(via google images)

Some of you know, my mum died of cancer 25 years ago, October 4th, so it was the 25th anniversary of her passing last month…a pretty sad time, which is probably why, subconsciously, I’ve been off the radar most of the month, now I look back at it.   She was diagnosed with stomach cancer the day before she passed away,  and we’ve never been able to find out where the primary cancer was as she was riddled with it.  Things have come a long way since then, and it’s only due to the never-ending search for the cure……or should I say cures……apparently, there are over 150 cancers and they can all be quite different, hence the difficulty in finding a cure. (or this is what the doctors told us back then….it’s stuck in my head……maybe that’s changed now, I don’t know…something to research)


There are 6 in my family……3 brothers, all older than me and I’m the baby!  Mum had stomach cancer, dad had bowel cancer, but he’s recovered,(and yes, I get tested annually)  my eldest brother had melanoma when he was in his 20s (he’s now  61 and doing fine), my second eldest brother had testicular cancer (and had another son after it was removed),so only my youngest brother (who is still older than me!) and I haven’t been afflicted……4 out of 6……you can see where my passion for eradicating this awful disease comes from??

bowel cacncer

So last weekend I participated in the Jog for Jugs fun run…..for me it was a 3km fun ‘walk’, but that’s ok!  IMG_5054 (1024x768)

Jog for Jugs is a fun, free, non-competitive, all ages annual beach jog fundraiser currently held in Perth, Darwin, Ayr, Cape York and the Gold Coast supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation and Breast Cancer Network Australia with proceeds divided between the two organisations.

In 2011, the first jog on the Gold Coast saw more than 200 people attend and raised $4000 and since then the  national focus is to have one country running on one day.

Seeing as our beach is quite a distance away, we held our run in a local park precinct.  It was a gorgeous morning, full of positive pinkness, and really encouraging to see loads of ladies, men and children (as well as a few dogs) joining in.

IMG_5053 (1024x768)IMG_5056 (1024x768)IMG_5057 (1024x768)

IMG_5059 (768x1024)

and the bonus was, over 4 and a half thousand dollars was raised, with more from a sausage sizzle and raffles held on the day.

IMG_5060 (1024x768)

Feels great to be able to contribute, if only a little bit.

breast cancer1 

Despite being pre-occupied, I still managed a couple of Christmassy finishes for OPAM…..

DSCN0296 (1024x768)

LSC Table Runner Cover (1024x715)

Did you manage any finishes?

xox sugary hugs :o)



  1. I got a quilt finished and given to a friend! I've been on a quilting marathon this week - 5 quilts quilted and I'm taking them all with me to retreat tomorrow and getting them finished. Four of them are Christmas gifts. Finishes always feel good. I'm sorry October was such a difficult month for you...I just found out yesterday that my uncle has liver cancer - it does touch all of us in some way! Hopefully you and your brother avoid it altogether and the rest of your family never has a re-occurrence!

  2. But WOW... the finishes you did accomplish are both gorgeous!

  3. Hi Wendy. I didn't realise there were different coloured ribbons for the different cancers. What a wonderful effort your fundraiser was. Great finishes too.

  4. Although I too have not suffered with this awful problem so many of my friends have unfortunately. Your fundraising jog did very well - September is when we have our 'walk for life' up here and my husbands bowls club have a day in the summer. Heard just this week that two ladies from the club have been diagnosed sadly. Great finishes Wendy - I love the runner. xx

  5. Yes, as I am dealing with my mum and Cancer. I feel for you. I too didn't realise there were so many types.
    I am finishing son AUSSIE Hero quilts.

  6. Well done on all of your achievements. Beautiful quilt. The big c is such a scary thing. All my dads siblings passed away from some form of it. - my dad was the youngest of seven but the only one that didn't pass away from cancer. It was a combination of things, mostly his heart. So you just never know do you. We need to be cautious but it so hard to not let it concise you and live every day.

  7. Your quilty items that you finished look fabulous.
    I too have lost family members to cancers. My sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer the week after my dad's funeral. My dad had prostate cancer that spread into cancer throughout the body. Then my cousin, who was also my best friend through childhood, was diagnosed with breast cancer over 20 years ago. She won that battle, however, the cancer returned about four years ago. She lost this battle in September of this year.
    I do go in for cancer screenings. I had skin spots removed three different times. I have a checkup coming soon.
    Getting back to quilting. I find I am most productive in times that I am reflective about family members.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thank you so much for your generous heart - all your volunteer work. Not sure why you didn't include your breast cancer cookies as a completed craft - they were VERY crafty. I think you've had a very successful month. Congratulations, Sweet Lady :)

  9. What a great cause and well done on the fund raising..

    I lost my sister to Mesciphilioma in Febuary this year.. Just awful...

  10. Nothing nearly as impressive as yours. I love both your projects and recognize the second as your design. Is the first one also?

    That is probably the only day that I'd EVER wear pink, since it's a color I really do NOT like. My mother died of all-over cancer, too, in 1957. Fortunately, though I was young, I had time to know her. My little sister barely remembers anything, as she was only 4. It's a horrible disease and I can't believe after 57 years, we still don't have a cure, or something that prevents it.

    I saw a cool sweatshirt at the credit union. It had all the colors of the ribbons in a swirl and it said something about Colors for Change. I really liked it, but I haven't found anything like it online. I should have asked her where she got it!

  11. Wow Wendy - glad you get tested regularly, hon! Looks like a gorgeous day you had for it. Love your darling finishes!


Hi.....thanks for visiting and I'm glad you've stopped by to visit and leave me a comment. I'll try to reply each time, but if I don't, it's because I've been hijacked by the family.....know I've read it and it reeeeally warms my heart. *insert jiggly heart here*
sugary hugs :o)
Wendy xox