
Monday 23 March 2015

Our FNSI winner for March and a sneak preview of the new Sugarlane B.O.M.


Even though I was absent (watching a magnificent local performance of ‘Oliver’ at the Civic Theatre in Townsville), there was some gorgeous stitching happening on Friday Night….

some scrummy cross stitch by Anthea which she managed to finish;

Some stitching repairs by the ever-patient Edi…..

Her gorgeous puppy Nina, must’ve really loved this block so much she could eat it all up! (literally). I absolutely gobsmacked at Edi’s patience in redoing this block….I would have been heartbroken!  Cudos to you dear friend!

Chris managed to finish her cross stitch for her friend too….Isn’t it absolutely perfect?


I”m still popping around to visit everyone, but I will get there.  I did manage to get some done before nightfall….


I finished off this cute little fellow that came with one of my latest magazines along with a hexi for our craft groups’ hexi swap.


So I didn’t TOTALLY pike out!  And I DID manage to gather together two beauties for our prize…..a yummy fat quarter of oilcloth I managed to pick up on my recent trip down to Brisbane  and an absolutely p-e-r-f-e-c-t pen and ink fabric illustration by Michelle Palmer……. I ADORE her work.


Our lucky winner this month was drawn by our Random King, Mr RNG….and he has chosen ………….. 2015-03-23 22-29-05

Leanne aka  Lizzie the Quilter

Congratulations to Leanne and I’ll get that prize off to you ASAP!


Without further ado… is the sneak peek I’ve promised you……my new FREE BOM that will start on April 1….


Well, can you call it a BOM  when it’s really a BOF????  That doesn’t quite sound right does it?  But that’s what it is….a Block Of the Fortnight!  There’s nine blocks plus the finishing instructions which will begin on  April 1 and every fortnight for 10 fortnights.  

My BOF is called “Friends”  and each block can be stitched and used within the mini quilt as I have, or separately in a treasured gift for someone spesh!   So I guess you could call it a BOF BOF……Best Of Friends Block Of the Fortnight!???  (I know, I know, ……. but I AM slightly cracked!)

Hope you’ll be joining in?

xox Sugary hugs :o)







  1. Congratulations to Leanne.
    Oh my, we have to sleep 9 more times before we can see the BOF/BOM? Unpatiently waiting now, sounds very exciting.

  2. Some lovely projects were worked on on Friday night. I think I would have been heart broken too if I'd seen a bite taken out of my block. Well done Edi on re-stitching it. Congratulations to Leanne.

  3. Ooo sounds lovely. Can't wait. Congratulations to Leanne. Hugs,xx

  4. thanks for having us...

  5. Oooh can't wait Wendy, thank you xx

  6. Great work by everyone - I will post tomorrow I promise but have been away! Did get a lot of stitching done! xx

  7. So many great projects finished. I am looking forward to your BOM, oh I mean BOF.

  8. Congrats, Leanne.
    Wendy, such lovelieness. Can't wait to get my hands on this new stitchery :)


  9. Congrats...xox
    Love the new will be a hit for sure! xox

  10. Congrats to Leanne. Love all your projects. Looking forward to your BOF starting the day before my birthday.


Hi.....thanks for visiting and I'm glad you've stopped by to visit and leave me a comment. I'll try to reply each time, but if I don't, it's because I've been hijacked by the family.....know I've read it and it reeeeally warms my heart. *insert jiggly heart here*
sugary hugs :o)
Wendy xox