
Friday 17 March 2017

Happy St Patrick's Day FNSI link is up

Happy St Patrick's Day to you all.  So sorry I'm late but what with being away at Let's Get Stitched weekend in Adelaide and having a virus that likes to cling like glue....I'd forgotten today was the day till this morning!

So, here we may be a small gathering tonight but a gathering it will be.   The link is below.....if you'd like, share it online so we can try to get it going (duh me!)

There WILL be a prize nonetheless.

I'm off to snort some eucalyptus oil.....might clear this foggy head of mine!

xox Sugary hugs :o)


  1. Hope you feel better soon Wendy. Hugs, xx

  2. We were wondering how you were. Hope this clears up soon. My hubby has had something similar for more than a week...

  3. Hope you feel better soon , lots of nasty bugs on the go around here too.

  4. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well! I'm looking forward to a St. Patrick's Day sew-in tomorrow! One day left to work this week on this side of the pond!

  5. I hope you are on the "mend" soon. I am on a mission today!!!!

  6. Looking forward to it, first I've been able to make for a while.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It's been way too long since I joined long that I forgot my URL...which is why there's 2 from me lol..the pink one works but not the green...
    Looking forward to catching up and seeing what everyone has been doing..

  9. Sending lots of hugs 🤗 get well soon.
    Going into my Cave now to sew......

    Happy Pats Day 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

  10. Happy St Pats Day to you as well ......hope you feeling better, see you tonight 😍

  11. Hope you're feeling better soon, Wendy. xxx

  12. Thanks Wendy....feel better soon. We will be quiet as little mice and shut the door gently on our way out hugs xxx

  13. I think I caught it from you... cough cough.. or in the plane on the way over here...! Hope you feel better soon and looking forward to sewing tonight.. xx

  14. Thanks for's a great night for a sew in...very wet and gloomy...perfect excuse for staying home with my stitichng!

  15. Glad to hear you're on the mend. Lucky us! Perfect excuse to stitch on St. Patrick's Day!

  16. Looks like there are plenty of you stitching away! We are about to leave for a weekend away so not much stitching going on. Hope you have a fun time and that you get rid of that virus soon. xx

  17. Stressful week--looking forward to sewing tonight!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  18. Hope you feel better soon Wendy xx

  19. Looks like you had a nice group anyway! I couldn't make it this month, but that had nothing to do with you. =)


Hi.....thanks for visiting and I'm glad you've stopped by to visit and leave me a comment. I'll try to reply each time, but if I don't, it's because I've been hijacked by the family.....know I've read it and it reeeeally warms my heart. *insert jiggly heart here*
sugary hugs :o)
Wendy xox