Tuesday 12 November 2019

FNSI sign ups and giving you some ideas with Christmas Tutorials

I know we say it over and over but CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S NOVEMBER ALREADY???????

I thought for this month's FNSI it might be helpful to add a few links to tutorials for some Friday night gift making.  If you're anything like me, Christmas is still an eternity away (in my mind), but in reality it's only 6 weeks!  So maybe some planning is in order and hopefully, these few gift ideas might help?

car trash bag tutorial  this cute kitty one HERE

That's just a few ideas after scouring the net this morning.  You might find something here to add to your Christmas list.
In the meantime, don't forget to sign up below to our Friday night get together.  (Can't forget that!)
We've had catastrophic fires throughout three states this past week and many houses and some lives have been lost. Firefighters and volunteers of all sorts are working around the clock to help save lives, properties and sanity, often losing their own homes whilst protecting others.  Please send prayers/positive thoughts to all concerned...they need to know we're thinking of them and we are more than grateful for all they do.  You guys are the real superheroes! 

Big sugary sweet hugs :o) 

Monday 4 November 2019

Sheryll's Friday Night With Friends

Friday night was spent catching up with an old friend....one I met on the cruise earlier this year.  What a perfect time to renew acquaintances as Sheryll was hosting FNWF.

I worked on the second purple block (which I have personalised with purple and green) on the cover girl "Celestial Star".  Can you believe there are only 2 block designs in this entire quilt?  Sharon Burgess from Lilabelle Lane Creations  is a genius! (as well as a gorgeous person!)
 This was the first of the larger blocks I completed on the cruise....so pleased to rediscover her.
...and here is my first of the smaller 'fill-in' blocks....
It was my first attempt at fussy cutting for EPP (English Paper Piecing) so my blocks are a little 'off' but I'm happy with it.  I realise now though, that when looking in context with the whole quilt, I'll have to remove the outer yellow pieces and change them to white as the background in my quilt is going to be white (like Sharon's).  I never thought about the whole quilt when I was making the block as I was so focused on learning the process.

Either I keep this one as a practice and make an extra, or I alter it but I love it too much to let it go solo....and it took so much to work it out, I don't know if I'll remember how to fussy cut like that again!  I need revisions!!!!  "SHAAAAARON????"   *watchoutYouTube!!*
I knew it was time for bed when I got up to have a pit stop and when I got back I was confronted with......

They are adorable, but seriously???????

Thanks Cheryll for another wonderful FNWF and allowing me the pleasure to meet a dear friend again!  Pop over and see Cheryll and the girls to see their spoils!

xox Sugary Hugs :o)