Thursday, 12 December 2013
Block 12 & finishing instructions of ‘Seasons Of’ for you.
Yep, well I did it again…..missed the timeframe for the “Seasons Of'” BOM release on 10th December……however, in my defence, it IS a busy time of year and you are getting 2 for 1 today!!!!! So I’m sure you’ll forgive me!!!!! The last block is appropriately called “Christmas Time:” and was designed by the gorgeous Dawn of ‘Sweet as Cinnamon ‘.
Isn’t it adorable??? I’ve also given you the finishing instructions if you wanted to create the quilt that we did, however, each block can be stitched independently of each other and used however you’d like. We’d love to see how you’ve used them, so if you have stitched them into any items or gifts, drop us an email and we’ll share them on the blog. You can download the latest block and finishing instructions from the sidebar to your right! Enjoy!!!! And whilst I’m talking sharing……. I just want to show you what Miss H from NZ made her grandma
Hasn’t she done an amazing job??? I’m sure her Grandma would have loved it…..her stitching is awesome don’t you think???
Makes me all warm and snuggly inside!!!! Thanks for sharing Baa…..and I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long! More warm and snugglies…… a gorgeous thank you gift from Fiona of BubzRugz for hosting SIF and spreading some Birthday Love! Thanks so much Fiona…you are a clever chicky and I love it….it’s gorgeous and has pride of place in my home!!!!
another Christmas surprise, this time from Maryanne in our Fat Quarter Swap
along with our fat quarter swap……..Maryanne must know I’m a sucker for RED!!!…..(and Nikki Tervo buttons!) Thanks so much Maryanne…..they’re just perfect!
And we had a ‘Non-Fat Quarter Swap” for December, and I have Diana as my partner….. this is what she’s sent me…..I’m being good and haven’t opened it as yet…..keeping the Christmas surprise alive in my house for as long as I can!!!!
Diana’s surprise will be posted off tomorrow……like I said, I’m a bit slow this month! And I’ve been coveting my precious Santa Sack Swap gifts from Shez since November!!!! They’re staying in that bag so temptation doesn’t hit hard!!!!!!
Shez’s a real early bird…..I need to take a leaf out of her book that’s for sure!!!! My goodies only left last week for her……(but they ARE on their way, if they haven’t already arrived!!!!)
The one thing I can show you is the Santa Sack I made for her…..
I used one of Michelle Ridgeway’s ‘Alphabet Noel’ stitchery designs to personalise it for Shez……..(oooh hope her hubby’s name's not Noel… COULD get confusing!!!!! )
next week will be our last FNWF virtual stitch in… if you’ve got some last minute stitching to catch up on, join with me and lots of other wonderful crafters and we’ll craft to our heart’s content! Sign ups will be early next week! Tomorrow I’m going to share some photos of our sewing day break up……for a sneak preview, you can read Jen’s blog post HERE. Until tomorrow, Sugary hugs xox :o)
Dawn Hay,
fat quarter swap,
santa sack swap,
Seasons of...,
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Oh what a lovely post... so much good will with all those pretties!
Merry Christmas Wendy...
ooh! HAPPY post xx
Such a lovely merry post. Hope you can resist that lovely parcel. I loved seeing "S" stitched up.
Oh you are funny Wendy,I am sorry I thought I had emailed you your parcel to me arrived Tuesday,thankyou so much,I love that Santa bag ,they are all safely under the Xmas tree,and my hubby,s name isn't Noël so you are safe,lol.xx
Lots of excitement and parcel squeezing at your place I bet! Can't wait to see what's inside.
a lovely happy busy post... sounds like you have had too much coffee!!! haha...
a lovely post! loved seeing all your lovely piccies :)
Such beautiful things you've shown. Thank you for sharing all the richness in your life. Thanks, too, for the instructions and Fiona's block. Sorry to see the end of this!
Ooh, my Miss H's wall hanging looks great on your blog. So nice to see all the lovely things you make! We always have fun reading your blog posts. Merry Christmas love Baa xxx.
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