Monday 23 March 2015

Our FNSI winner for March and a sneak preview of the new Sugarlane B.O.M.


Even though I was absent (watching a magnificent local performance of ‘Oliver’ at the Civic Theatre in Townsville), there was some gorgeous stitching happening on Friday Night….

some scrummy cross stitch by Anthea which she managed to finish;

Some stitching repairs by the ever-patient Edi…..

Her gorgeous puppy Nina, must’ve really loved this block so much she could eat it all up! (literally). I absolutely gobsmacked at Edi’s patience in redoing this block….I would have been heartbroken!  Cudos to you dear friend!

Chris managed to finish her cross stitch for her friend too….Isn’t it absolutely perfect?


I”m still popping around to visit everyone, but I will get there.  I did manage to get some done before nightfall….


I finished off this cute little fellow that came with one of my latest magazines along with a hexi for our craft groups’ hexi swap.


So I didn’t TOTALLY pike out!  And I DID manage to gather together two beauties for our prize…..a yummy fat quarter of oilcloth I managed to pick up on my recent trip down to Brisbane  and an absolutely p-e-r-f-e-c-t pen and ink fabric illustration by Michelle Palmer……. I ADORE her work.


Our lucky winner this month was drawn by our Random King, Mr RNG….and he has chosen ………….. 2015-03-23 22-29-05

Leanne aka  Lizzie the Quilter

Congratulations to Leanne and I’ll get that prize off to you ASAP!


Without further ado… is the sneak peek I’ve promised you……my new FREE BOM that will start on April 1….


Well, can you call it a BOM  when it’s really a BOF????  That doesn’t quite sound right does it?  But that’s what it is….a Block Of the Fortnight!  There’s nine blocks plus the finishing instructions which will begin on  April 1 and every fortnight for 10 fortnights.  

My BOF is called “Friends”  and each block can be stitched and used within the mini quilt as I have, or separately in a treasured gift for someone spesh!   So I guess you could call it a BOF BOF……Best Of Friends Block Of the Fortnight!???  (I know, I know, ……. but I AM slightly cracked!)

Hope you’ll be joining in?

xox Sugary hugs :o)






Friday 20 March 2015

FNSI yummies

It’s been a week of hectic-ness (is that even a word?) what with work, volunteering, tutoring, running to doctors and specialists and general day to day stuff, especially after being away for a week.  So my thought was to spoil myself for FNSI….and to me, nothing speaks ‘spoil’ like dark chocolate!

These DARK CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE POTS only take 15 minutes to prepare and an even less 10 minutes to cook, so it’s not too late to get them ready for an energy boost to keep you going tonight!

via Bakers' Corner

If you haven’t signed up yet, sign ups are HERE on this post.

Come along and join in the fun!

xox Sugary hugs :o)


Monday 16 March 2015

Friday Night Sew In Sign ups.....

Yes, it's snuck up on us again, but this Friday night is going to be our monthly virtual get together and I'll be missing!  But that's not going to stop it going ahead....I'll be stitching just a little bit earlier in the day and a little bit more on Saturday!  That's the great thing about our virtual get togethers, isn't it?  It's always Friday night SOMEWHERE in the world!

And yes, there will be a prize, but I just haven't picked it yet!  That's often the fun of it though.  Friday night get togethers with the girls and a surprise gift thrown in for one lucky, and equally surprised crafter ... always nice!
So, there's no excuse.  Sign ups are below and leave me a comment on what you're planning to do.  I'm aiming to get a start on a sweet apron for my swap partner....

It's always lovely to hear what you are up to.... gives me so much inspiration..... can you hear the ticking in my brain?
And don't forget to invite everyone along....crafty business is so much fun with others.
Can't wait for Friday.

xox Sugary hugs  :o)

Sunday 15 March 2015

What happens on Retreat……

….well, you know the rest!

and need I say more, I’ve only just recovered, after returning home on Tuesday night.  We had a jam-packed busy schedule and there is sooooo much catching-up to be packed into four days that sleep doesn’t factor in all that much!

After arriving in Brisbane on Thursday afternoon, we were picked up from the airport by the lovely Marilyn and Vicki.  Thursday night was a meet and (re-) greet of all our gorgeous bloggy (and non-bloggy) stitchy friends, with a swapping of badges for our Friday bus tour.  I made a badge for Karen who squealed when she got it……

I think that meant she liked it ……just a little bit??  Mine was made by Sue and I think I let out a little squeal of delight too!

my badge by Sue

Don’t you just love that bunting……and dots…..plenty of dots and flowers!  Cuuuuuuute, huh?

Friday – Bus Tour:  waiting for the wheels on the bus to go round and round…..

…and towards the end of the day, poor Dianne was exhausted!

But wait, there’s more!  Friday night is FUN night….lots of games and a need for these…..

Needless to say, there was a bit of this going on….

But remember, what happens at Retreat, STAYS on Retreat… I can’t fill you in on any of the details!  You might like to have a sneak peak, and you can, if you join our Let’s Get Stitched page on Facebook….we might even be able to convince you to join us in March next year in Tasmania?!?

Saturday was a free day to explore the sights of Brisbane, but as we were Queensland girls, we just decided to pamper ourselves and go to the movies…..GOLD CLASS!



We saw the Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and I guarantee it’s NOT second best!  It was a fantastic movie, especially sharing it with the girls and in such a classy way!


Sunday was our sewing day …the cream on our cake, so to speak.  We have three mystery designers and the girls really were great at keeping it a secret…

This year we had Michele Kampen,(left) and Teresa Cassimatis  (right) as well as Cheryl Goss , who provided us all with a gorgeous pattern and kit,  but Cheryl couldn’t make it on the day.  All their designs were absolutely spectacular and you can see them on their links, and even get your own.

At the end of the day we had our annual group photo…which was a very funny exercise in itself! (remember, what goes on at Retreat…..???)

And then said most of our goodbyes, or goodbyes the next morning.  Dianne and I decided to stay another day with our gorgeous friend Marilyn who hosted us at her house….we got an additional two days of stitchy fun before we had to say our goodbyes at the airport.

Very hard to say goodbye each year, but knowing that there’s another coming up in 12 months makes it a little bit easier!

Why don’t you come too?  You’ve got 12 months to save!!!!  *wink*

xox Sugary hugs :o)


PS….all photos courtesy of the gorgeous girls at Let’s Get Stitched…..particularly our NEW official photographer, Shez!  xox 

Love you girls!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Counting down…

At 11am tomorrow morning I will be flying out, on my way to Brisbane to meet up with heaps of gorgeous bloggy women at the annual Let’s Get Stitched event……

Let's Get Stitched

needless to say, I’M EXCITED????


This was us last year in Melbourne…and it’s bigger this year! woohoo!   Can you spot yourself there?

These gorgeous hostesses with the mostesses are already getting a head start at our hotel …the Hotel Diana…..sounds regal, doesn’t it?  Can’t wait to catch up with them and all the other gorgeous girls…..and the newbies I’ve only met online!!!  How great is the blogging universe?

If you want to check out what we’re going to be doing, you can visit THIS PAGE for a list of events over the long weekend…..or if you’re Facebook friends, you’ll be inundated with photos galore…..but just keep in mind……what goes on at retreat, STAYS at retreat!  *wink*

Now, I best start packing …… See you when I get back!

xox Sugary hugs :o)



Monday 2 March 2015

Watch out for new BOM starting soon

I know I said I'd be starting my new BOM this week, (yesterday, actually!) but you know how that thing called 'life' happens? 

Yep... It's hit with a vengeance this past month and I'm only halfway finished so here's a preview of what's coming up....


All I can say is 'WATCH THIS SPACE'..... It won't be long and I'll be ready to share it with you all.

Xox Sugary hugs :o)