Monday 18 January 2021

We have a winner!

 Wow.....we had 38 people join us from all around the globe for FNSI this month....what a great start to 2021....thanks everyone!   It makes my heart warm and fuzzy, knowing there are so many of us who love to get together and create!

I did say this first month of the year our prize for one lucky crafter would be this beauty....

                                                         ....a gorgeous pink grateful heart journal

So without making you hold your breath any longer, I spun my wheel earlier and guess who came up?

Congratulations Pami!!!!!   

Send me a message with your postal address and I'll get your prize to you pronto!

Have a fantastic January......I'm on cyclone watch for the next few days so I'll be battening down the hatches!

sugary sweet hugs :o)

Sunday 17 January 2021

My FNSI stitching, How about Yours?

 My Friday Night Stitching consisted of catching up on a 'previously prepared' Tilda project that just never got past go!

By mid evening I had only just finished stitching the words and doing long stitch to hold the flowers down.....I will add buttons for centres when I'm finished.
I got a little further but, having worked all day, I was a bit tired so shut up shop and went to bed.   Yesterday I managed to get a bit more done and I hope to finish today.

I've nearly completed the border, which I've done in chain stitch (as Fee suggested) and I think it's come up a treat in Cottage Garden 105 Fuschia.

What did you think of the new Facebook page for our group? 

 I thought it added another level and gave people without blogs the chance to join in too.   I've had some comments saying they don't want this to migrate to Facebook....and I promise it won't.  It will remain primarily a blogging format just with the outreach of FB as another avenue.   I love visiting you all on blogs too much and find it adds more to getting to know one another than just the quick picture and comment so don't worry......I won't be moving it away.

For those of you who missed the memo......we now have a Facebook group page for FNSI.  Pop on by and join up if you'd like a quick snippet of what our Friday Night shenanigans are like!

Just a reminder now, to make sure your blog posts are up and running as tomorrow I will be drawing our Friday Night winner who will be receiving this.....

....the beautiful journal (not the rest...they were special gifts from VERY dear friends!!!!)  We all need to be reminded to start each day with a grateful heart and I'm sure the winner of this gorgeous journal will pen lots of things she's grateful for.

I'm off to finish my stitchery.  Hope you've managed some progress at our FNSI (and maybe even some finishes???).  Drop by everyone's blogs HERE to  click on their links and see.

Sugary hugs :o)

Tuesday 12 January 2021

A New Year...let's F.N.S.I.

 Welcome to 2021, and to our (hopefully) new and improved F.N.S.I.

I've made a couple of changes, just so that we can share more readily, get to know each other better, and generally have more fun!  It's been on the backburner for quite a while, bubbling about in the brain cells, but I just wasn't sure how I wanted our little group to progress (or indeed if I wanted it to).

Well, I've bitten the bullet and we now have a new Facebook page where we can share, as well as our blogs.  I still love sitting with a cuppa,  reading through blogs leisurely without the annoying and ever-constant refreshing of Facebook posts however I still think I need to bring us up-with-the-times.   With our group consisting of stitchers from all across the globe, I think it's only fair that we can share instantly if we wish and then go and read more about it later on using the links you add when you sign up each month in this blog.

I have sent a few 'regulars' an invitation to join the Facebook group.  It's a private group so it can't be seen by anyone other than those in the group but it can be found by anyone (although they wont be able to see content) and will have to 'apply' to join.  If you don't get an invitation, the link to join is HERE and I encourage you all to as it will be immediate gratification for all of us, not to mention loads of fun!

The sign ups will still link to your blogs for the same reasons I mentioned above.  They're our 'homes' where we can relax and enjoy visiting others in our own good time.

I'm also reinstating the random prize of the month to one lucky participant.  It won't be anything flashy as it is coming out of my pocket....I don't have sponsors but hey, if anyone out there is interested..........?????........just putting it out there!    

 This month I have a beautiful notebook to jot special notes that inspire you, plan your FNSI's or perhaps even design some upcoming projects.  I love it's inspirational cover and I'm sure our winner this month will love it too.

So, without further ado, welcome to F.N.S.I. version 2021, link your blog up below, sign up to the FB page and let's plan to get this party started this Friday night!

xox big sugary new year hugs :o)