You’ve probably noticed a few bloggers participating in the Blog Hop With A Difference lately.
It's almost like a relay, passing the baton from one creative blogger to another three creative bloggers, and the plan is that it continues on and on.
The purpose of this blog hop is for each blogger to tell their readers a little about their life as a creative person and what makes them tick, so today it’s my turn. You’ll find out a little more about me because I got tagged by my nearest and dearest, Jenny from Jenny of Elefantz
So….here’s me……I’m Wendy Bertello of Sugarlane Designs (who’da thunk!)
I’m going with the questions Jen asked of me …. here goes…..
What am I working on right now?
hmmmmmm….I have a number of irons in the fire……I’m not one to just be doing one thing and finishing it totally before I start another…..that’s my worst trait I think….or perhaps it’s just a quilter’s trait? At the moment I’ve started the Let’s Start Christmas Stitch-a-long with 6 stitcheries that I’ve designed, stitched up and made into a table runner for Christmas. So at the moment, I’m finishing the runner and writing the patterns hurriedly, for the release of the next stitchery block on Thursday over in my Craftsy shop.

I’m drawing up some extra stitcheries to add to the table runner and I’ll be stitching them up this week too. When I’m not working on my own designs, I’ve been working on the gorgeous Plates Stitchery BOM by Nikki Tervo of Brandy Gully Patchwork

How long does it take to create a project?
It really depends on what it is…..some are quite quick and some seem to take forever. Mostly though, I can create something in a week or so, if I’m designing from beginning to end…..something like my Christmas Stitcheries only took a couple of days each but my “I’ll be Gnome for Christmas” Lap quilt took a couple of weeks.

It really depends as I have to fit it into my schedule of volunteer, Association President, mother, wife and crafter…….I’m sure you understand what I mean!?

What are my favourite things to create with at the moment?
I’ve had a real hankering for working with paper pieced hexies…you can see these in my Love Life bag….

…and on another upcoming design…..

I am also always strongly drawn to stitcheries…..I think a project feels a bit ‘naked’ without even a little bit, and I’m quite fond of applique too. I’m a true Gemini…..always drawn to the next style, never wanting to settle for just one!

How does my creative process work?
Generally, I’ll come up with a design idea, and jot it down quickly in my drawing folio….I roughly sketch the idea out….and when I say roughly, I mean ROUGHLY! (I really am not talented in the drawing aspect….I’m comfortable with a needle and thread but pencil and paper threaten me no end!) I’ll then jot down any requirements I think of that I might need, work out sizes and grab them out of my stash (or organise to buy some more….that’s ALWAYS an option, right?), along with fabric choices and thread choices and bundle them all up in a plastic container so I can find them again. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a bit of a cluttered brain (and work area) so keeping it altogether is definitely a good start!
I’ll draw out a couple of ‘takes’ in pencil lightly, using Google images as a reference point (like I said, I’m not an arty person….I’m crafty *wink* but not arty) then finalise it in a Sharpie or black Artline fine point marker. When I’m creating it, I have a notepad by the cutting table/sewing machine so that I can jot down notes, such as measurements or steps in the process as I go along…..I did say I have a cluttered brain? It’s far easier for me to refer back to notes than to try and remember what I did at step 47 out of 101 steps.
Lots of the processes are trial and error too….if I try something new, I will visualise it in my head, step by step, but as I’m more of a tactile learner, I tend to like making that section up in paper first, if I can (I don’t like wasting my fabric stash!).

How do I become inspired and stay inspired?
I know it sounds a bit cliche, but I get inspiration from everywhere! I’m a words-type person…..I absolutely LOVE words and inspirational quotes, so often a stitchery design will come from that. Being a ‘glass half full’ gal, I believe that you should never leave feelings for someone unspoken…and as not all people wear their hearts on their sleeves, a stitchery design can often convey how much someone means to you.
Sometimes it’s something I’ve seen in the garden, or a colour palette that twigs an idea in my head. Even just thoughts of a season or event bring ideas flooding to mind. Situations, such as the illness of my father in law earlier this year, inspire me ….and which gave birth to the ‘Love Life’ bag.
I stay inspired by being aware of being open to new designs……having that ‘sense’ of designing switched on at all times……(you really NEVER know when it’s going to strike)….I visit sites like Pinterest (but you knew that already) and that’s always a great inspirational minefield…..I get lost in there for hours… hubby’s even banned me and limited my Pin-time! Also by visiting other designers and bloggers and looking on websites selling quilting fabrics, because often a fabric line will bring ideas spilling out of my head.

What is my signature style?
yep….that one I’m not sure of yet. I think I’m still evolving. Jen and I have discussed this one in depth and she thinks I may have an eclectic style….perhaps it IS the Gemini in me, I don’t know. I guess mine is a positive, inspirational, words-based style that’s sometimes modern, sometimes not, sometimes shabby, sometimes not, sometimes girly, sometimes not, sometimes traditional, sometimes not. Maybe you’ve spotted a ‘style’ that I’ve missed? I’d love to hear your thoughts?!

So now it’s time to pass on the baton…….these three ladies are ones I admire greatly and I know their stories will inspire you too…..
Vicki of The Pickledish Patch
Allie of allie-oops sweet happy life
Marilyn of Mardi Meanderings
Pop on over to their blogs next Monday 8th September, to see what makes them tick!

Just a reminder……pinch and a punch for the first day of the month!….and the first of spring here in the southern hemisphere!

Sugary hugs xox :o)