Wednesday 31 December 2014

Out with the old…..

It’s been ‘A’ year, hasn’t it?  And where has it gone?  ‘'

image via Google

It seems to have been come and gone in a flash…..

Well, I’m making some changes….well, planning for some changes for 2015, so it doesn’t slip by me as fast…..after all, our lives are finite and I’ve got lots of quilting, stitching  and designing to do…..I’ve been way too ‘lazy’ with my planning and 2015 is going to be my year!  (well, that’s the plan, anyway)

I have some ideas in mind, some lifestyle ones, some blogging ones and to put them in perspective, I visited Heather and downloaded a reflection and goal setting worksheet and did some good deep thinking….

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It gave me a starting point…..made me think about what is important, what I’ve learnt and can take forward with me, what I need to develop and improve and really, where my head and heart is taking me.

Want to join me?  ……you can download your copy at , just click on the Freebies tab and it will take you straight there.

Mine’s going in the front of my diary to keep me on track….and maybe I’ll do another copy for the fridge!

I really think next year is going to be different…...better!

So as the day slips away with the last of 2014 creeping out the door,  may New Year’s Eve find you seated around the table, together with your beloved family and cherished friends. May you find the food better, the environment quieter, the cost much cheaper, and the pleasure more fulfilling than anything else you might ordinarily do that night.
In the New Year, my wish is that God showers you with His choicest Blessings, Fate never takes you for a bumpy ride, Cupid strikes you with his sweetest arrow, Lady Luck bestows upon you health and wealth and your Guardian Angel keeps your mind alert and bright.

image via Google

xox Sugary Sweet Hugs :o)



Wednesday 24 December 2014

FNSI draw….finally!

Here it is, finally……the draw for this month’s (and the final for the year) Friday Night Sew In.


But before I do…..

I thought we’d visit just a few of my lovely stitchy friends that joined me on Friday night and see what they got up to.

Shez, who’s always near the top of the list of sign ups every month (thank you gorgeous!) paid tribute to the oft-forgotten Mrs Clause….

courtesy of Shez

Isn’t she just gorgeous?   Another very special friend, got called away for some volunteer work on Friday night……she’s a trooper!  But she still managed to get some UFO quilting done when she got home……love that quilt Illene….

courtesy of Illene

Why is it we always leave our UFOs for other ‘new’ things?  I have that same habit….far too many than I need warrant recalling.   I think I will have to (re)start up some more UFO de-stashing next year on my blog…..anyone want to join me?

My ‘partner in Friday-night crime’ (?), Chez, managed to get a beautiful stitchery finished for a bag she’s planning to making..

Chezcourtesy of Chez

so lots of holiday, Christmassy cheer and relaxation happening on Friday night.  Why don’t you think about joining us in the new year?  You can find all the information you need  about the plan for our FNSIs on the FNSI tab at the top of my page.  Everyone is welcome!  Our next one is Jan 16th.  Lock it into your diaries now!  Always so much fun.

Without further ado……here is our winner of the lovely prize I mentioned in a previous post


Congratulations to:


Her photo of the winter solstice certainly brought the tropical humidity of north Queensland down a notch!

And don’t forget, I’ll be sending each of our Friday-nighters from this month out a specially designed stitchery just for them!  Always surprises happening here in Sugarlane!

xox Sugary hugs :o)


Tuesday 23 December 2014

FNSI late draw….but a free project

I know, I’m late with the draw….

I’ve been away with hubby to the very tropical north of Queensland on a job and we’ve only just got back….I did take my mobile phone so I could blog ….hmmmmmm….clever one, took a charger that didn’t work with my phone!   Plus we didn’t have reception for a lot of the way!  Who would think that in this day and age!?

Anyway, I’ve got a quick link to a free Christmas project for you as a ‘'peace offering’ ‘til I draw the winner tonight.  This would make a wonderful last minute gift or decoration for the home….I think I’ll be making one as our decorations haven’t gone up this year. (well, not many anyway)

gorgeous-glitter-reindeer-frame_Medium_ID-649206via blog

Isn’t it sweet?

You can get this gorgeous glitter reindeer design and file it for next year if you want, but it can be done in an evening, so there’s still time to make it for this year.

Off to work for me, last day…….and I’ll be home later on for the draw.

Sorry to those I haven’t responded to yet……I’m getting there!

xox Sugary hugs :o)


Monday 15 December 2014

Friday Night Sew In - Sign ups

This Friday is our last FNSI for the year so I've something special in store......

Our annual Christmas Friday Night Stitching Party.

As always, one random participant will be randomly drawn out to receive a gorgeous prize that just happens to express how important you all are in my Friday Night Sew In's...

This beautiful panel could be used to make a cushion, a table runner or two wall hangings or....or....or......let your imagination go wild......

But it's sentiment is so important.....without you all, Friday nights just wouldn't be the guys MAKE my Friday nights....I look forward to them all month!  So this is just perfect for the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, to let you know how much you mean to me.

As well as being entered in to win this beauty, I will be sending each of you who sign up, a new stitchery design (so new, I'm yet to start it!) to let you know how much you mean to me! I promise it will be one you'll love and be able to use in a number of ways....perhaps for a special friend or colleague.....or maybe a daughter or mother, aunt or grandma?

So gather up your friends and let's have a Christmas stitching party to behold!

Post the button on your blog, link it back here and let EVERYONE know. 

I bet we'll have security come around and tell us to keep quiet because we're making so much noise....our stitching party will extend out to the street!  Woohoooooo.......  I'll be sure to notify the authorities early!

Sign up below, join in on our virtual stitch-fest on Friday night (wherever you are in the world) and post about it on your blog over the weekend.  You'll need to have followed all these steps to receive your goodies, otherwise with everybody here, how will I know you've made it?   You'll get lost in the crowd!!!! 
So looking forward to our wonderful Christmas Sew In......can't wait to see you...I'll have the champagne and canapes ready for your arrival!

xox Sugary hugs :o)

Monday 8 December 2014

Friday Night With Friends

Joined the lovely Chez on Friday night for some stitching love…….got a little bit done….

Elf on the Shelf (1024x1024)

and would you believe it?  I still have the binding to do! This is some secret stitching for a swap I’m in (shhhhhhhh!), but seeing as I know the recipient doesn’t ‘do’ blogs, I’m safe sharing it here.

I used up some batting scraps that I’ve been saving too, and I used this fusible webbing tape……amazingly easy to use, and you would never know it wasn’t an entire piece!

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Very happy!

The design is by Carolyn Beam, Creative Editor of Quiltmaker Magazine.  I’ve just changed it up a little with a different colourway and border

Stockings All Aroundvia Quiltmaker Magazine


I also did a little bit on another project…..

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Another Secret Squirrel one……working madly to have it ready for Christmas giving.

If you get a chance, pop on over to Chez’s place and see what all the other girls got up to on Friday night!  Lots of sleighbells and Christmas Carols, seeing as it was the last one for 2014 (doesn’t that sound funny?).  Be sure to join us in 2015 when Chez starts  FNWF up again in January.

xox Sugary hugs :o)




Thursday 4 December 2014

chocolate-filled birthday wishes

It’s so hard to believe that this little miracle

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born 6 weeks prematurely, very unexpectedly but very, VERY loved

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turned twenty just this week.

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As is the tradition in Sugarlane House, dinner is birthday boy’s choice….so it was definitely lasagne, salad and garlic bread

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followed by chocolate mud cake baked earlier that day

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But not just ANY chocolate mud cake…….

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Seeing as we’re an ‘adult’ now….not a teenager anymore and definitely no longer a premmie, we had Baileys Chocolate Mud Cake slathered in Baileys dark chocolate ganache.

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So good!  But that was not enough……we had to go out for another birthday dinner a couple of nights later to celebrate with the extended family and a few of Nick’s friends… another chocolate cake had to be made…….

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….seeing a pattern here??  SOMEONE likes adores chocolate!

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Choc raspberry cake, filled with raspberry jam and fresh cream and topped with (again!) chocolate ganache and fresh raspberries.  Not a crumb left……think it was a hit!

They do say chocolate is good for your health….and it certainly has done wonders for this little premmie of mine………

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The happiest of birthday wishes  to my wonderful 6ft2in, chocolate fuelled blessing.  Love you to the moon and back

xox Sugary hugs :o)


Sunday 30 November 2014

Checking In

This week has just flown by...what with working, stitching new designs, getting Christmas gifts finalised, specialist visits with hubby and checking in on my mother in law who has hurt her back, I haven't had much blogging I thought I'd quickly check in.
This afternoon I'm stitching up a Christmas gift....
While I 'babysit' Mum-in-law.  Using some gorgeous Cottage Garden threads....just love how they stitch out!  Off to prepare lunch....hope you're getting lots done 
Xox sugary hugs :o)

Monday 24 November 2014

FNSI winner

It’s time…. and I realised I hadn’t shared the prize with you yet!  That’s what happens when you work 6 days in a row and then spend the seventh day pressure cleaning the outside of our new Artspace building. My brain has just been all over the place.

So here is what the winner of this month’s FNSI will receive…..

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…..this gorgeous Orange Daisy damselfly stitchery kit along with a handmade butterfly button by Nikki Tervo Designs.  Both perfect for the last days of spring, don’t you think? (well it is here in the southern half)

Have you had a chance to go visiting all the FNSI-ers yet? There were 50 of us participating and I’m sure there were loads of Christmassy surprises being made.  Make sure you pop back HERE for everyone’s links….so much inspiration and you never know, you may just find another blog to add to your favourites list.Swishingvia The Crafty Creek

Margaret from The Crafty Creek managed to finish the hem on this gorgeous chiffon Gabriola skirt she’s been working on….whilst Josie managed to stitch down a couple of Stonefields blocks, after not sewing for some time……

got a giggle from her helper too….

via Dilly Dimple

via the House on the Side of The Hill

Melody managed to finish another of these beautiful aprons for Christmas….isn’t she a clever chicky?  But who is our November FNSI winner?  Here’s a clue….


Our winner this month got to play with a particular love of mine……Fig Tree….and she got a whole heap more done too….a very productive night for Kim…..congratulations!!!!  I’ll be in touch and thank you to everyone for joining in.  Hope you had as much fun as I did.

Next month will be the last month for the year and our last FNSI for 2014.  We’ll have to make it a special one!  Any ideas?  Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could do a pot luck dinner and trot around to each other’s houses and eat and stitch and laugh and stitch and eat some more? 

Hope you enjoyed our FNSI….  Next month’s is on Friday 19th, a week before Christmas so it’s last minute Christmas things if you’re slow like me!  Don’t forget to jot it down in your diary.

xox  sugary hugs :o)


Friday 21 November 2014

FNSI tonight….don’t forget to join

Looking forward to tonight with all of you.  We’ve got 38 signed up so far…..let all your friends know so we can have a HUGE night!  

If you haven’t signed up yet……link ups are HERE 

Have you made your chocolate bliss balls yet? 



And before I head off to work, here’s a couple of new posters I’ve designed to put a smile on your dial….

I saw that Santa

every reason


Can’t wait till tonight!

xox Sugary hugs :o)
