Thursday 16 January 2020

FNSI sign ups

I have been so busy with work that this month has totally, well almost, slipped by.

Huge thanks to Raewyn for the FNSI reminder. So don’t feel bad if you miss this month ......I nearly did too!   I’ll explain soon but everything is ok...I’m just flat out with working six days a week.  When I’ve been retired for 8 years, this has been a huge shift as well as a massive shock to the system, as you can imagine.
Anyhoo..... here are signups for those of you who wish to join me.   I’m not sure how much stitching  I’ll get done before I fall asleep but I’ll try! 
Looking forward to our regular FNSI with this first one for the year AND the decade!
Xox Sugary sweet hugs :o)