Sunday 3 January 2010

What a mystery!

One of my goals (I'm not calling it a resolution 'cause I always break those!!!) for the year is to challenge myself with my quilting...trying things that I don't normally do so, what better way to start than with a mystery quilt???
I had been following Janet Wickell's blog for a while and she prompted people to join her in a New Year's Day Mystery Quilt...well, how could I refuse?????  what a way to challenge myself!!!

I've spent all weekend cutting and sewing (using up fabric only from my stash....I'm trying to follow Fiona's 'frugal' tips as well!!), not knowing what was going to come out of it all, not thinking that the colours I chose would even work (isn't it funny how we doubt ourselves more often than not???), and following the comments on the forum (as a lurker...I figured I was way behind due to the time difference!!!) and 48 blocks later, with a little jiggling and tweaking the designs by turning each block this way and that...... ta are the three different designs I came up with:

Which one do you like best???  I'm having a tough time deciding.  Just when I think I'm sure of the one I'm going to use, I look at the others and change my mind....again!!!!!

Ooops, looking at them again, I've noticed I didn't tweak very well in the second design....there are a couple of 'wonky' blocks...they're not good soldiers because they're not facing the right way!!!!  Can you see them??

I can recommend Janet's website  She has many ideas for all levels of quilters, there are patterns and tutorials, quizzes and topics on brushing up on, or even learning different skills and PLENTY of freebies!!!  In fact, she has a free 2010 calendar you can download, with different patterns for quilts for each month...yes, they are American and are relative to the Northern hemisphere's seasons but........ If you haven't been to her site before, take a quick won't be disappointed! (sounds like I'm on commission doesn't it!???)LOL

I did need a bit of a break with all that cutting and piecing so in between, I made some Honey Jumbles...they turned out just like the ones you buy in the shops!!! they are..

I got the recipe from the August 2009 Australian Super Food Ideas Magazine.  Another 'challenge' as the recipe for Honey Jumbles is very different to your regular biscuits (cookies!), but it was still quite easy to do.  Not many left now, once the men in the household got stuck into them!!!!

Thanks again to the ladies who entered my giveaway to help me name my baby, who is now lovingly known as 'Timmy' !   I hope the neighbour's dog doesn't think I'm talking about him....his name is Timmy too!!!! uncanny!
I'm going to post the giveaway prizes tomorrow....I've been waiting for the post office to open after their extended long weekend...they closed on Thursday due to New Year's Eve, which I've never heard of before, and are closed until tomorrow...I guess they've been extremely busy over the lead up to Christmas and were exhausted????!!!!!, or maybe it had to do with the post office worker's strike???
I haven't had a reply from Val with her snail mail addy.  I can't contact you Val, as you are a no reply blogger, so I'll have to redraw if you don't reply by Thursday ... that gives you a week from the draw.  Barb, I'll hold off on posting yours then, because if Val doesn't reply in time, you'll get second prize and I'll redraw third...howzat???

Off to chase some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's
sugary sweet dreams
Wendy :O)


Barb said...

I like them all but really like the first one....

Love your treat!!! Is something inside of them?

Joy said...

My vote goes to number 2, love that layout, naughty soldiers and all ;o). Oh, and your honey jumbles look 'sugary' delish ;o)!!! I was a bit miffed when 'I couldn't get to post my parcel to UK too .... NewYear's Eve holiday' and 'day after New Year's holiday' (???) hmmm, that's a new one for me too!!?!! Guess my DD1's birthday pressie is gonna be a little bit late.
Joy :o)

Tarnyia said...

I think the 3rd one down is a great layout... that's the one I would do... thanks for the website too I will be taking a browse.

Teresa said...

Ha ha... So far it's even for the quilts.. I like No. 1 the best.. no reason, I just love the rhythm of the pattern in this one. Love the colours they really go well together. Great blog by the way.

Vickie said...

I like the 1st and 2nd one they really dance..well done..your honey jumbles look delightful,cheers Vickie

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Hi, thnaks for visiting me, I saw the mystery quilt on about, wish I'd done it now! The first caught my eye on hitting your page but the third jumps out at me as well, Tracey

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Wendy you go girl....I like version one...and your honey jumbles they look awesome...

Kylie said...

Hey there Wendy Girl - I am really liking layout #3 and your honey jumbles look delicious. Cheers Kylie xxx

Narelle said...

Wendy have been siting here for 10 minutes now looking over and over the 3 quilts and can not deside i love all 3. So sorry that i am not any help to you but think that over a cuppa and some of those lovely honey jumbles that i could possable pick one.HE HA HE HA.
Big hugs

Jude said...

I like number 2 quilt lay out, but fix those naughty soldiers that are out of line. Your biscuits look yummy and if I made some I would put on more weight.

Narelle said...

Number 2 quilt takes my eye.
Those honey jumbles would win any competition hands down!

prashant said...

like the first one....

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