Thursday 13 June 2013

It comes in threes….

This morning I headed off to a Cancer Council “Biggest Morning Tea” fundraiser organised by a friend’s mum at a local church.  I love attending these events whenever I can… you see, as some of you know, I lost my Mum to cancer 24 years ago, my father had bowel cancer and has survived, one of my brothers, melanoma and another, testicular cancer…..both survivors, due to the amazing work and commitment of everyday people who raise funds for those who have the skills and knowledge to research a cure for this dreaded disease. Only two of us have remained cancer-free and we’re very conscious of regular testing, that’s for sure.

I always swore, after Mum passed, that I’d do everything in my power to help out, but as time went on, and life took over, I didn’t quite get there.  This past year a very, very dear and special friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and this was the push I needed to get involved again.

It was an amazing morning, with yummy foods and a gorgeous vintage fashion parade and lots of raffles, of which I was the lucky winner of one…….icing on the cake really…….this amazing oil painting is now mine

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I think it needs a good damping down and stretching over a frame but it’s amazing….the colours are so bold, honestly….the photo doesn’t do it justice!

Tomorrow I’ll be making a pot of pea and ham soup to take down to the Relay for Life fundraiser over the weekend……the temperatures have really dropped here of a night-time so I can imagine we’ll be needing some warming up in the wee hours!!!! 

I’ve joined the local Cancer Council committee, so we’ll be looking at what else we can do to help!

On my way home, I dropped into the post office to pick up the mail and look what arrived…….001 (Medium)

I won Natalie’s competition she held last week and look what goodies she sent me…..

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In Nat’s words…..”gobsmackingly gorgeous”, and YES it is!!!!  But wait, there’s more……(heeheehee)

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I also received a copy of her very first, and very new book, “Cotton Floss”   It’s just wonderful……and surprise surprise… I’m flicking through the pages, drooling all over them, what do I see??…….

One of my favourite quotemasters….Mr Feather……is in Natalie’s book too!

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I’d never even heard of him before I ‘borrowed’ his saying for this wall hanging a month or so ago…..  

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….is it coincidence?????     I wonder!  hee hee


Another yummy, squishy package arrived, the third in a run of yummy squishy-ness…

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Perri from Stitches from the Bush bundled up this little parcel of goodness so that Jen and I could each start making Mrs Beasley’s sampler quilt next week!  I’m sure you could hear my squeals of delight from wherever you are!!!!  

But before I get too excited, I’m off to draw up a new design this afternoon……it’s been rattling around in my head for weeks now…….the time is right!

Hope you have lots of stitchy goodness around you today too

xox sugary hugs :O)

my signature


Susan said...

What lovely goodies.

Great idea to get involved with the cancer council - its a lovely idea to give whatever you can whenever you can...

Anonymous said...

what an awesome parcel to receive Wendy and good luck with your designing.xx

Rosie said...

Lots of lovely goodies in those packages.

Noela said...

Congratulations on both your wins. The fabric looks gorgeous. Have fun designing your new project. Hugs....

tich said...

What a wonderful day. Material looks gorgeous. Mrs beasley's block looks WOW!

Simone Harding said...

What great parcels you received. Yummy fabric.

Cheryll said...

I wish my mail was like that today.... instead all I got was "bills" and "bill" can keep them! LOL

Anthea said...

That is the best mail!! Lots of gorgeous goodies & creativity there, enjoy it all Wendy x

Anonymous said...

What wonderful squishies! I love Cinderberry Stitches, too. You down under ladies all design the most wonderful things! Your soup sounds very yummy, too. That painting is a real treasure. This has been a good week for you!