Sunday 17 August 2014

What I got up to at FNSI

Well, I was expecting to be stitching in the motel for our last day with Dad in hospital buuuuut…….he decided to tell the doctor Friday morning that he was fine and didn’t need to stay in any longer, so signed himself out!  The doctor agreed, he would be ok if he’d been able to pass a good amount of urine by himself, ensuring his kidney was working properly…….sneaky dad told me later that even if he hadn’t, he would have filled up the jar from the tap in the bathroom so he could come home! 

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What do you do with them?  But isn’t medicine amazing?  He had a whole kidney removed on Wednesday, up walking Thursday and going home by 10am Friday morning….and yes…..he was a bit wonky Friday but he’s been good yesterday and today, but still naughty….doing things he shouldn’t like bending over, taking his blood clot stockings off and refusing to wear them, and lifting things ….ggggrrrrr… men EVER grow up?

Anyway, that meant that Friday night was at home and I got time to do some stitching of a few new designs….Christmas ones I’ll be releasing soon….

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…and yes, it IS meant to be blurry…..can’t give too much away now can I?  But I can tell you I’ve been stitching them up in these gorgeous threads….

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….aren’t they just perfect?

I’m off to see what everyone else got up to at FNSI…..have you been for a visit yet?  You can find all the links HERE.  And for those of you participating, don’t forget to blog about your Friday Night….I’ll be drawing the prize tomorrow afternoon, my time (AEST)……which reminds me…..

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this month’s prize is one metre of Whisperweft and some easy thread needles……the perfect way to stitch up a storm. (I DID manage to do some prize shopping in Townsville after all!)

Sugary hugs xox  :o)

my signature


Sisbabestitches said...

So pleased he is mending so well. Hopefully none of his naughtiness will set him back too far- though a little nudge might slow him down enough to follow doctor orders- maybe :)

Oh those threads are stitching up so lovely, must keep a look out for that Mistletoe one :)

Thanks for a lovely Friday get-together :)

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

I'm glad that he is doing OK Fiona....but you may need to keep an eye on him the cheeky bugger.

Anonymous said...

Hi Webdy so glad your FIL is doing so well,yes the body is an amazing thing,lol,love your sneaky peek,enjoy your evening my friend.xx

Lyn said...

Gorgeous threads you are using..and FIL sounds like one determined man, wonderful that he is doing so well

Maria said...

Lovely threads there Wendy and very intriguing secret sewing:-) oh dear...your FiL is very naughty, but as you say, What can you do? Nothing :-/ Such determination and the stamina of the man is amazing! Lol

Kim said...

Glad to hear your Dad is doing well even if he is being a little naughty. Lovely stitching I look forward to seeing what it turns into. I just love the Cottage Garden Threads.

wish2stitch said...

Your Dad does sound a bit naughty, but I'm sure he will feel more comfortable at home. Lovely threads.

Jo said...

Good to see your dad home safe. Even if he is a bit naughty

Noela said...

Hope your FIL isn't too naughty and continues to recover. Thanks for hosting FNSI. Hugs.....

Mary K said...

Glad to hear he is better. Men can be worse than babies. Good luck with him.

Jacqueline Morris said...

WOW!! That is some speedy recovery! So pleased your dad is on the mend, best wishes to him :)
Ooooh pretty threads and wonderful colors... very interesting!
Yes I got heaps done Friday and I was enjoying what I was doing so much it spilled over into Saturday! Really enjoyed this Friday meet up with friends, Thank You... cannot wait fir the next one now :)
Smiles :)

Christine M said...

Glad to hear your FIL is doing so well. It is certainly amazing how quickly you can get home these days. Lovely peek there Wendy. I love the colours of thread you are using.

Fiona said...

wonderful that your FIL is doing so well... amazing....
such pretty threads you are sewing with..... it will bke lovely..

Jeanette said...

Glad to read your FIL is doing well. Love those threads. Hugs,xx

Outback Craftaholic said...

Glad to see your FIL up and about so quickly Wendy. Am very intrigued to see your Christmas designs as I love, love, love Christmas! How do you find Cottage Garden Threads to stitch with? Cheers, Tracy

Farm Quilter said...

Glad your FIL is doing so well and I hope it continues! He is very naughty...if he doesn't want blood clots, he really should wear the compression stockings (I know they are not comfortable, but they can save his life!). Boys, no matter how old they are, definitely can be a trial, but we still love them!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Oh my...that is amazing so pleased he is doing well Wendy...yummy threads

Anonymous said...

I believe the answer to your question is no, men never grow up. =) I'm so glad he's doing so well. Does he have someone staying with him? I guess I'm much more of a baby than he is because all I did was fall on my side and it still hurts months later and I baby it, and there he is bending over! Love your teasers. That J is speaking to me!

Lin said...

So pleased that Dad is doing well despite the naughtiness! Glad you got some sewing done too. I am off to write my FNSI report - it's been a busy weekend. xx

Cheryll said...

Perfect news to start FNSI..a healthy DaD.
Love the blurry look of xmas projects for us! :)

Diane-crewe said...

glad you managed a bit of sewing xx PARENTS!! what can you do with them! At least with kids you can MAKE them behave xx Hope he goes on OK x

Tammy said...

What good news he ddin;t have to stay as long as they thought. He sounds like a tough man. Probably takes a lot to keep him down. Boys never grow up....Allways are high maintenance regardless the age

Rosie said...

While medicine is great, it's people who are amazing when they recover so well!
I need to visit and SEE what you are stitching as it looks gorgeous. Love the threads.

Pinnylea Creations said...

You wouldn't want him any other way.... Just can't keep a good man down!
I think some of his naughtiness has rubbed off on you ... teaser. Hope we don't have to wait to long to see the end results xx