Tuesday 26 January 2016

Taking a short break

Nothing like taking a forced break….
Not feeling great today- it’s been building up all week so I’m forcing myself to rest up. But while I’m in bed……

Nothing like tv and stitching to take your mind off it!
xox Sugary hugs :o)


Rike Busch said...

All the best, dear Wendy!!! Hope you get well soon.
Greetings, Rike

Indigo Blue said...

Snap! I have been off work this week and too ill to even read my book. Worst cold/flu virus in years or I am just getting older and slower at fighting these things off. Hope you are on the mend.

Jimy said...

Oh, that is so sad to hear. will miss your blog but in the mean time I will catch up with the old ones. get well soon love.