Wednesday 14 February 2018

Friday Night Sew In Sign Ups

Surprise!     Yes it is......
and yes, it's a bit late, as usual!
We've had problems with our NBN and have had no phone or internet since last Wednesday.  It was booked in for reconnection yesterday and after many a frantic phone call, was finally connected well into the afternoon....what is it with technology and us?  I know it definitely kicks up the stress levels a bit.  But finally, it's on again.....after hours on the mobile phone last week and again this just don't realise how much you rely on it, do you?

And now my computer has decided it doesn't want to upload any photos from my phone so I can't even show you what I've been up to, apart from this one block I've been working on for the Fat Quarter Shop Classic and Vintage Quilt Along using the Hunter Star block.
I'd show you the whole block but I just can't get it from the phone to the computer!!!!  grrrrrrr......there must be a way!   I know what I'll be doing this afternoon!!!!

Before I completely lose it, I'm going to put up the link for this Friday night's Sew In.  Don't forget to link up and join's the best party you can have in your pjs!
Happy Valentine's Day <3

xox sugary hugs :o)


DbrhH. said...

Finally got my Fridays in a row. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

thankyou Wendy xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Don't want to hear those swear words...NBN! We constantly loose phone and internet Wendy and it has been on since last July.....definitely equals FRUSTRATION. Looking forward to a little Friday night stitch 😊

Vicki said...

Unfortunately I can't join in this month but will have fun seeing what everyone else gets up to said...

All signed up, see you Friday :)

Selbermacherin said...

See you friday :-D

Maria said...

Sew looking forward to our FNSI Wendy..

ytsmom said...

Signed up, first time!

Lin said...

Looking forward to a few hours of 'pieceful' sewing by the bowling green on Friday.
Have you tried emailing the picture to yourself and picking up the email on your computer? Long winded but works for me. xx

Susie H said...

Can't wait to see what everyone will be working on. As for me -- probably Farmer's Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt!

Kaisievic said...

Thanks, Wendy, oh, I am so dreading the NBN turning up in our neck of the woods. Everyone I know whose area has it are complaining how slow their internet connections are now!

Bethan said...

All signed up - just need to decide what to do now! x

Marti said...

Sorry to hear about your internet troubles. We had an outage this week too. They never come at a good time.

Narelle said...

Hope I can sew tonight if storms don't knock out the power.

The Sloan Patch said...

It's been a while but it's good to be back. Thanks Wendy, I miss my time in blogland.

Sherry said...

I am going to be packaging up some charity quilts and trying to get some sewing done.

DbrhH. said...

Finished visiting everyone. Now to do the dishes.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I love seeing your embroidery in particular. So much talent abounding in these links too. Whatever the night, I am stitching and thanks for hosting!