Monday 13 August 2018

Can you believe? August FNSI sign-ups are here!

Yes, it's blown me away too!  It seems like only a couple of weeks ago we were tidying up Christmas and now Christmas in July is over and we're headed into the second part of the year, well and truly!
But this week it's time for Friday Night Sew favourite time of the month, even though it IS August already!

I have been working on my Fig 'n Berry stitcheries and I am up to block 5.  I used to hate satin stitch but it's become one of my favourites now.  It's certainly true what is said about practise, practise, practise making you better, better, better.
I'm really happy with my plump little reindeer in his racy red Cottage Garden Threads.
On Friday I took myself off to the Craft Alive event in Townsville for the day.  We haven't had one for a couple of years up here, mainly due to distance and cost to hold stalls and such, so I was delighted to hear there was one this year.  There was NO way I was missing out.  
It was much smaller than in the past but, it was great to be able to get around to all the stalls without rushing and I was able to attend all the classes I wanted to, including an impromptu one on the Fusamat - a fuseable applique mat designed by Sharon Bradley from New Zealand.  

It's awesome as it holds your applique pieces in place even when you move your mat from the ironing board to the sewing machine, it's easily transparent so you can see your design and it holds onto the surface you're on without totally impressed me so I just had to buy one.  Take a look at Sharon explaining the Fusamat on this video: 

So I think on Friday night I might be doing a little bit more stitchery and a little bit of applique, just to try out my new Fusamat (and no, I'm not getting paid to advertise...this product really blew me away as it fixed all the problems I've found with my current applique mat...I'm just so impressed!)

Have you planned what you will be working on this Friday?   Whatever it is, it's always more fun joining in with friends so make sure you sign up below and join with us this Friday.  Everyone is welcome, invite some friends to join in with us and we'll have a ball stitching along together in our jammies with a good movie/music, some nibblies and a sneaky tipple or cosy cuppa.  How could you resist?  
Have a sweet week,
sugary hugs xox :o) 


Maria said...

Hi Wendy,
Looking forward to stitching along with you for FNSI.....
Found a long forgotten project when cleaning up I.m going to work on..
Your satin stitch looks great. Interesting mat...

Vicki said...

I've been MIA for a while but I hve a baby quilt that I need to recover from the naughty corner so that's my plan for this Friday

Susie H said...

Hi Wendy. Your little reindeer is so cute. Great job on that satin stitch. I too don't care for the satin stitch but it looks like you've got it down pat. I hope to be binding a quilt come FNSI!

Jeanette said...

Love the reindeer, so cute. Your satin stitch looks great. Hugs,xx

Christine M said...

I hate doing satin stitch too. But sometimes you just have to do it! LOL! See you Friday night. xx

retdairyqueen said...

Your satin stitch looks great

Narelle said...

A stitch in time saves 9 ... looking forward to another great Friday night :)

Maddy said...

Looking froward to another productive Friday night of craft.

Lin said...

It's a great time of the month, just wish it would not come around so quickly! Lots of handwork projects on the go here so plenty of choice for Friday night. I shall see what takes my fancy at the time. xx said...

Hi Wendy hope all is good with you ��
I hope to get some stitching done this week I’m working on a Lucy Boston block. We feel we’ve dodged a bullet with our son the growth on his pancreas is benign. They are just going to keep an eye on it ��

Helen said...

Looking forward to another great night stitching with Friends.

Michelle Ridgway said...

BEAUTIFUL satin stitch....very cute reindeers! See you Friday night....still deciding the what xx

Susan said...

I'll be there - after almost 5 days at retreat - of course I need more sewing time!

I bought one of those mats at our last craft show - its great... I'm sure you will love it.

Libbie went along to the craft show too - showed me a few pictures of quilts she liked...maybe she is dropping a hint or two...???

Bethan said...

Your satin stitch looks really neat! And I love the reindeer! I won't be able to join in this weekend but look forward to seeing what everyone else has done x

Helen said...

Great stitchery and I might look into that mat, very interesting. The Craft Alive shows are a bit smaller but more relaxing and enjoyable.

Raewyn said...

Thanks for inviting us along again Wendy :-) A last minute sign up for me - yaay!! I'm looking forward to seeing more about that mat - off to look at the link now...hope it meets all your expectations tonight!

The Sloan Patch said...

It’s been a while...thanks for the invitation!