Sunday 30 May 2010

Whew....I made it!

....and just in time!  It's been a busy month and I never thought I'd get my finish for OPAM but.......looky here:

Just sneaked it in with moments to spare!

I'm taking my year 6 students on camp To Mackay next term, right smack-dang in the middle of July....bbbrrrrrrrr.....and I thought this year, we might make our own plate bags.  I made the 'prototype' today and am quite pleased with the results.  I've tried to make it beginner friendly with little, clumsy fingers in mind, so we're going to try backstitch, chainstitch and a nice simple running stitch!  The plate is appliqued on, simply attached with a glue stick and then chain stitched around. 
I had fun in Spotlight trying to find appropriate 'equipment' with less-than-patient persistent children in mind, so thinking outside of the square was a must-do.  Needles have to have a large eye (otherwise we'd never ever get started!) so I hunted and searched, searched and hunted and found that size 20 chenille needles teamed with 2 ply double mercerised cotton thread would do the trick.(could you imagine the tears......mine......with the birds' nests of DMC/Cosmo if I tried them out on that to start with.....????!!!! Boo Hoo!)
I thought varigated threads might give a little bit more of an interest factor and keep them entertained whilst they learn to sew.......fingers crossed!
We'll be starting these this week so I'll keep you posted on how we go!

I also took time off on Friday to visit the knee surgeon, who told me I was much too young for a knee replacement, despite having the knees of a ninety year old!!! (wasn't he sweet, just days before my birthday, and feeling all of my 44 years and 362 days old, and some!)  You see, I have osteo-arthritis in my knees, neck and shoulders, but my left knee particularly.  A sporting injury 30 years ago has sped up the wear and tear.....hurdling just isn't a good idea for a chubby teen!!!!!  So he's going to try a new procedure where he will suck out the fluid in my knee and replace it with a gel like substance...a bit like a grease and oil change, or new shockies for the car!!!!  This won't happen till the end of July though as he goes on a month's 'holiday' overseas (conference!!).

Whilst I was in the 'big smoke' I went to Tinkers Cart where I paid up my owings for the retreat on the 19th June with Rosalie Quinlan, Leanne Beasley and Bronwyn Hayes....oooo, I'm so excited and I just can't wait!   .....and, guess who couldn't just stop at that???.......I did a little self indulging behaviour from both Tinkers and Spotlight...(shhhhhh, don't tell hubby!)......look at what I got......

I've always admired Natalie Lymer's Market Baguette, so when I saw those 'gawjus' (thanks Joy!!) red leather handles, I just couldn't resist!  Some new DMC's, a few Cosmos, some deeeeelectable Cottage Garden threads (can't wait to try those!!) and a new sewing basket to hold  a myriad of handy crafty goodies beside my chair in the lounge!

Anyway, enough diversions.....I'm drooling just thinking about all the crafty things I have going!!!
I must go and ice the 24 cupcakes I've made to celebrate my special day with my year 6 kiddlywinks tomorrow....then I've got to mark some more of their work for report cards!!!!  (yaaawn!!)
I'm sure I'll have more to share in the next couple of days *sneaky wink*
love and sugary sweet hugs and cupcakes
Wendy :O) XXX

1 comment:

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Great idea with the plate bag....bummer with your knees, lovely purchases....well done on your finish.