Sunday 9 November 2014


Didn’t get a lot done on Friday night, as my puppy wasn’t feeling the best.  I thought it may be because his hair had grown so much and the summer heat has hit with a vengeance, so I decided to give him his haircut during the evening as it’s cooler…..


……after which I found the culprit that has been making him feel sick….a tick had buried itself in his ear fur…..I’m so glad I checked. After dabbing a bit of antiseptic and Vaseline onto it to smother the tick, I gently pulled, and it released itself.  He is still not 100 percent, but is loads better. 


So that took up about 2 hours of stitchy time, but after vacuuming up all that hair, I did manage to get a little bit done…..some work on a Christmas swap gift (so only a little blurry peek!)

IMG_5114 - Copy


…and I started designing another magazine commission (nothing like leaving it till the last minute!)


I’m working some more on it today, so I’ll show progress pictures soon.

Thanks again to our FNWF hosting mumma Chez…..I love our girly nights together.  Have you seen what everyone else got up to?  Worth a visit to check them out!

xox Sugary hugs :o)



barb's creations said...

Sounds like an interesting Friday for you, glad to hear your puppy is starting to feel a bit better.....ooohhhh a sneaky peek :) Barb.

Yvonne W said...

Hi Wendy, I found you via Cheryll's blog and I have joined the FnwFs for the first time.
I am so sorry to hear about your poor dog-- we have paralysis ticks here and they are nasty little creatures. Do hope he is feeling better.
Looking forward to the next FswF.

Anthea said...

good on you Wendy, being such a loving nurse to your furbaby... sometimes the stitching just has to wait...

Lin said...

Not the evening you had planned but at least you managed something. xx

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Gentle hugs for puppy

KERYN B said...

Wendy soo pleased your baby is feeling better look forward to seeing him up and about. Love the sneak peak it looks wonderful.

Susan said...

So good that you found the tick, hope he's up and about soon.

Outback Craftaholic said...

Oh, your poor puppy Wendy. Glad you found the tick and he is on the mend. Look forward to seeing your new project. Cheers, Tracy

Diane-crewe said...

poor pup x hope he feels better soon .. good job you decided to clip fur not fabric x

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad you found that tick! They are nasty bugs. He looks cute all shorn. Love your hints at the future. =) How nice to have a magazine commission!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Nasty little blighters those ticks...poor little doggy. No wonder he felt awful. Happy creating on your new project x

Nanna said...

glad your furbabay's feeling better & yes the tinyest tick can just sap all of their energy, glad you were able to work on a little bit of your project but I know how you feel wehn it comes to our furbabies the word dog or cat never enters in they are our babies lol!

Pinnylea Creations said...

Poor puppy - hope he's feeling better. There's nothing like a deadline to focus the mind xx

Anonymous said...

I love dog. My dog is black, is my love. Kisses