Tuesday 12 May 2015

FNSI sign ups and some news

Can you believe it? 

It certainly IS that time of the month already..........

Grab your quilty gear and comfy jammies, some nibblies and warm cocoa (well, depending on where you are) and let's have a girl's night in this Friday!
If you're new to FNSI, check out the info in the FNSI tab for more information, but needless to say, EVERYONE is welcome.
Signups are below and I'm hoping this all goes well this month as I have some exciting news......Sugarlane is getting a makeover!
I have made the decision to take up the offer I posted about HERE, knowing that I was supporting  a totally worthwhile charity.  It's been something I've been thinking about and planning for a VERY long time and I finally took the jump......it's a little scary, but I hope you'll bear with me during the teething phases...as I'm sure I'll have some!

Not only will I be getting a makeover, I'm moving house.....

Image result for moving house images

.....total house move, to a totally new address.....www.sugarlane-designs.com  which should take effect some time tomorrow....I'll keep you informed....

but in the meantime, sign up for our May FNSI.....it'll be happening, teething pains or not!

I'm just a tiddly bit nervous but sooo excited.....are you too?

xox sugary hugs :o)


Maria said...

We'll be there.

Good luck with both moves, hope they go smoothly.

Anonymous said...

hi Wendy hope it all goes well for you xx

Susan said...

I have my fingers crossed I can do this - work has been...somewhat busy...I re0laly need a break!
Good luck moving Wendy.

Farm Quilter said...

So excited about both moves...but both at the same time??? You are one busy lady and I can't wait to see the results of both!!

Karen's Korner said...

Good luck with moving day. I am looking forward to another fun night FNSI with the girls.

Lin said...

Good luck with the move Wendy - sounds exciting. xx

retdairyqueen said...

Look forward to joining you
Good Luck with the moving

Käthe said...

Ist es denn schon wieder soweit ß das darf doch nicht wahr sein !
ich bin dabei und freue mich schon auf Freitag abend.
Liebe Grüße

Francine said...

I have so much sewing to do!

Best wishes on the move 😄

Flickenstichlerin said...

I am looking forward to Friday. Will be all day at the Nadelwelt in Karlsruhe and hyper from all the quilts, notions, fabrics and friends I will see there.

Indigo Blue said...

Your news sounds very interesting and I look forward to your new site.
Signed up successfully this time and thank you for your help last month.

Jeanette said...

Good luck Wendy. How exciting. Hugs,xx

Raewyn said...

Have fun Wendy - I'll be sure to come to your housewarming :-) See you Friday night!

Cheryll said...

Fingers & toes crossed for you for tomorrow. Hope all goes without a hitch! xox

Cath said...

Oh Wow! Here's to a smooth transition!

Allie said...

I'll be there with bells on - I have so much stitching to do and I really need the motivation! Ooh moving house, how lovely, I hope all goes smoothly Wendy dear -

Jo said...

Hope to see you tomorrow with no hiccups