I've remembered and here it is, at last..... and THE very last for 2017.....
Today we had a meeting with doctors, physiotherapists, nursing staff and aged care people and we got the news that Dad would not be coming back home but would be in hospital until a bed in a nursing home becomes available. Mum is heartbroken that her partner of 60+ years will not be 'with' her any longer, but we all know that this is the best thing for him.
Some days are good, some ....well, not so....today was a reasonably good day.
Yesterday we got to take dad home for half a day to spend one last family Christmas together as one of my sisters-in-law had managed to fly up from Brisbane.

Dad had a wonderful day, even though we exhausted him.
We wished it didn't have to end, but it did. Dad was ready and was eager to get the taxi back to hospital to his 'home'. Dementia really is cruel to all the family.
So that's my life to end 2017. We're sad and unhappy without our family together but we know we're luckier than many. I know we are truly blessed.
Let's end with some fun.....spending quality time together with our stitching family on our Friday night get togethers. Sign up below, no sadness allowed! So pleased to be able to spend it with you all, just before Christmas....such a precious time of year.
Looking forward to this one, so very much.
xox sugary hugs ;o)
Hi Wendy my heart goes out to you ,we are going through this with my parents at the moment,its so sad watching them getting worse and worse,sending you a big hug my friend and Merry Xmas to you and your lovely family xx
Oh Wendy, I'm so sad to read about this. But God will know the reason. I hope will have although a wonderful Christmas!
I don't know if I can join the last FNSI for this year, because we will already be with our family in the north of Germany. My husband just nearly broke his left arm, so I will have to drive all 700km alone. OK. It could be worse.
Best wishes around the world!
Oh Wendy das ist ja alles sehr traurig, besonders für deine liebe Mama.
Ich hoffe, dein Papa wird gut versorgt im Heim.
Meine Mutter liegt auch im Krankenhaus.
Machen wir es uns trotzdem am Freitagabend noch mal gemütlich !
Liebe Grüße
I feel your pain. I was in that position a few months ago with an elderly uncle. Although it seems hard he is in the best for him especially and the rest of the family. A big adjustment for all your family. Take care.
Such sad news. It's hard i know but it's probably best for you all. I'm glad he got to have a nice Christmas lunch with you all. Big hugs,xx
Such a hard time for you all Thinking of you xx
I understand completely. It is terribly difficult for partners and family. Know that you are showing your love by giving him the best care that he needs now. I feel for you all. Hugs xxx
OH Wendy - so sad for you all and it's just that much worse at Christmas time. But I'm sure the memories from your family get together will remain with you for a long time. Big hugs...maybe in person??
Hi Wendy, sending you loads of love and hugs and prayers. God has blessed you all these many years with good memories and love. Hold on to those on the tough days. May God bless you extra in the coming days because you have made yourself available to dad-in-law and mum-in-law. I am finding from making myself available to my own mom how precious that time is and how much I appreciate each day I'm blessed to still have her here.
I love you my sweet friend!!!
Sending so much love, Wendy girl...and prayers, lots of prayers that Jesus holds you all together with the glue of His love no matter how far apart. I'm especially heartsick for you dear MIL...60 years is a lifetime to spend with the one you love by your side. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Never an easy time but especially so at Christmas. Hug your loved ones and cherish all the wonderful memories shared xx
Joining in with some needle and thread on Friday night ... thank you for all the fun Friday nights :)
You and your loved ones have really been through so much of late. Hugs & prayers to you. I hope I get some stitching done Friday night. My daughter will be flying in for the holidays this week so I might not get the chance. However, I will certainly try to put my needle to cloth even if it's only one stitch! ♥
So sad for you and all your family Wendy - but I am sure he will be made very comfortable wherever he goes to live and you can spend quality time with him when you visit.
Sorry I will not be with you on Friday but hope everyone has a great evening and thank you for all the wonderful Friday nights over the last year. xx
Wendy, this is such a hard time for you all... I hope a placement becomes available really soon... xx
So sad dealing with dementia. We went through this with my mom - she lived for about five years and by the end could not even speak. My thoughts are with you.
Lots hugs to you all...
Thank you sew much for running FNSI for us.. I will enjoy crafting along with you...Won't be just sewing ?????
Big hugs to you Wendy! I'm sorry to have read about this and it's no doubt been building up over a long period. As a nurse I totally understand how difficult this is for all the family - but you are all doing the best thing for the family at this point also. What a blessing he was able to spend another Christmas with you all. Looking forward to night after being absent the last couple due to a bit of my own "stuff". 😘
Thinking of you and your family, Wendy. Sixty years is a long time to with someone. xxx
Send you my prayers and my love.
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