Friday 15 December 2017

FNSI delayed

My what a year this has been and it hasn’t finished well either!  Poor Dad in law has been in hospital the past two weeks after a fall with his dementia  and it has taken a sudden and acute downturn.  I’ve been at the hospital every day with mum (in-law) and really have lost track of time. 

 Therefore I had thought with all honesty that FNSI was next week.....what day is it, seriously I don’t know whether I’m Arthur or Martha?!?   So please accept my sincere apologies for not being ‘with it’ and failing to be ready for tonight’s FNSI. I hope you can make it next week instead?!?  

Thinking of you all if you stitch away without me tonight
Xox sugary hugs :o)


Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy of course thats ok my friend,take care of your family,such stressing times for you all,take care Wendy and see you next week xx

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

So very sorry to read about your darling dad love to your both ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jo said...

Don't apologise at all. Spend time looking after yourself and family. Take care

Michelle Ridgway said...

Family always comes first. Sorry to hear about your poor Dad in Law...very stressful time for you all xxx

Susie H said...

Family always comes first so no worries about FNSI being delayed. I wish him well and I wish you peace. Stress is just awful and can really weigh a person down. I probably will be stitching tonight but not alone. I'll keep you in my thoughts. If FNSI needs to be cancelled again next week, no worries. Take care of yourself. ((hugs))

Quilter Kathy said...

I know this stress very well. Family always comes first and do take good care of yourself!
Some friends are coming over to sew tonight and we will laugh and sew and be thankful for the stress-free moments that quilting brings us!

Karen's Korner said...

A stressful and trying time for you and your family. Take care....try and get a roster going for the hospital run to ease the burden on all.

Cheryll said...

Sorry to hear about your FIL... take care.
I went ahead and had my own friDAY sew but will join in again next week too.

Jeanette said...

Family first my friend. So sorry to hear about your FIL. Run the sew in whenever you can. Hugs, xx

Rike Busch said...

That's really no problem! Real life is always first and I hope, everything will be well until Christmas! I admit, I also didn't thought about it, because my husband nearly broke his arm and now I will have to manage much more beside work and work is stressful because of Christmas.
Best wishes! Rike

Bethan said...

Please don't apologise Wendy. Take care, and lots of thoughts with you, your family and FIL x

Anthea said...

Family comes first, Wendy... supporting your FIL is paramount at this time... we will turn up for FNSI whenever you host it! Thinking of you all x

KimM said...

Oh, Wendy. Take care of family .....and yourself. I hope things get better for you soon.

Maria said...

Wendy it is far more important to spend time with family...we can do FNSI anytime... take care of your self. Hugs 🤗 🤗🤗🤗

Raewyn said...

Best wishes to your family for your father in law Wendy..hugs... the new date sits me fine as I'd forgotten last week :-)

Anonymous said...

Between this and Christmas, you should just cancel it for this month. We'll all survive! You have more important things to think about. Hugs to you.