Thursday 23 May 2019

May's FNSI is this week....are you ready?

Well, the busy-ness is starting to settle. I have one week left of full time work after this week and the federal elections were held last Saturday. I ran one of the polling booths about 3/4 of an hour north of us so I had some hectic travel, organisation and study to do but that's over for this election anyway so I'm breathing a bit easier and I'm really looking forward to sitting in front of the telly with my stitching on Friday night with you guys!  Are you in????
To be honest, I can't wait and have started a little early catching up on what I've been missing these last few weeks.  Here is what I've been working on and what I plan to continue with on Friday Night....
I'm loving the whipped running stitch in the centre of each frame..
Here's a close-up...
I'm really enjoying the slow stitching process...and it's not as slow as I once thought!
Have you got a plan for what you'll be working on?  I'd love to hear it before we get together.
Sign ups are below and if you're thinking you'll be too tired/busy/doing other jobs or any other reason, remember, stitching is sooooo good for the soul,particularly when your stitching with friends!

Sugary hugs xox :o)


Susie H said...

Count me in!!

Karen's Korner said...

Going to cut my orange fabric today for stitching tomorrow night.

e said...

Cant wait to join this party. Thanks for hostessing, Wendy!!!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Love your project Wendy.....hope you are feeling better now. See you then xx

Rike Busch said...

That's really cute! I'm in, too! I've got to sew something for a 4 year old boys birthday party on Saturday.
Greetings from Germany

Lin said...

I LOVE that quilt design, stunning. I have a lot of yellow hexagons to baste so am hoping for something good on TV! However, it is forecast to rain all day tomorrow so I may get to do something more interesting during the afternoon. xx

Maria said...

Nice project you're working on Wendy ..
I'm in the big smoke at my DD s but we'll both enjoy stitching along with and the others...

Raewyn said...

I love your project! Thanks for inviting us along tonight :-)

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I've been assistant to a handiman here with me for two days moving wood and working on the front stone walkway. I am sooo looking forward to sitting down with my handiwork tonight. Good Grief, hope you have recovered from your cruise. I adore your project and thank you for showing the whipped stitching...embroidery is my first love.