Saturday 10 October 2009


Oh my goodness....has it really been 5 days?????  That's what happens when reality strikes and hits you smack bang in the forehead!!  Holidays finished last weekend and work has well and truly taken over.....*dang*! 

I feel like my arm has been cut off when I can't be crafty (so to speak!!).  But I'm trying to fit in a little each couple of days, even if only 15mins or so.  Don't know how effective this 'strategy' will be when report cards need writing....testing and reporting take up every waking's like writing 25 mini novels....but they're all factual so they have to be researched mean feat doing it in 5 minutes!!!

So quilting tends to go out the window for a while...but I'm sure gonna try to find time  or I'll go nuts!!!!  ....and blogging...well, I revert back to being a bit of a lurker (sounds sordid, doesn't it!! lol    I have horrible images of dark alleys whenever I say that!)  and try and fit in as much bloggy time as I can.....I miss it, and you all,  too much otherwise :o(

Now, I'm not one for Japanese styled fabrics, but I've always wanted to do a kaleidoscope quilt.  Being time-poor for much of the year, I tend to budget my time as best I can, so when I saw a kaleidoscope quilt kit on Ebay for around $30....I snavelled it fact, I snavelled up two!!!  One in purple and one in teal.
Here are the purple blocks I've finished so far.....

I've completed the 12 blocks but as yet, haven't worked out how I'm going to set them....I like them on point but I've got to find the 'right' fabric to that's the elusive part!!!

The teal ones are still in their pack....haven't got to them yet, so I'll have to share those with you later.

I've been preparing some fabrics for a bargello workshop I'm doing next weekend and, being one of those projects on my 'bucket list', I can't wait to start!!!  Will share this with you tomorrow though as I've got a couple more things to do in preparation and then I'm going to bed........yaaaaaawn!!!!  :>O  Catching up with me already. 

I've got so much to share but it's time for the blanket show!! 
Nighty night and sweet sugary dreams!!
'o) Wendy B


Lisa at Sun Naturals said...

Hi Wendy,

Your quilt blocks look great... please post pics when its done.

Now there's the problem with quilty blogs.... now I have yet another project I want to do! LOL

I've never attempted a kaleidoscope. Is it paper pieced? (Another method I have yet to try)

Sent from a beautiful, crisp fall day in the US. (I miss spring already!)

Lisa :-)

Granny Lyn said...

Boy, oh boy! you sure get a lot done for the little time of quilting you have! those blocks are gorgeous! can't wait to see the end result!

Jude said...

Hi Wendy the blocks look great, one day I would like to do a kaleidoscope quilt but finding the right fabric and doing lessons on how to do it is a little way off. cheers Jude

Narelle said...

I really like your kaleidoscope blocks ... have done one myself and would love to do another.
Haven't tried bargello so looking forward to seeing your results.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Loving your kaleidoscope blocks - it is going to look really effective!

Sew Useful Designs said...

Hello there beautiful Wendy! :-)

Your blocks are simply AWESOME! Wow... I'd heard of kaleidascope quilts but didn't actually know what they were.. (dur! D - on my score card!!) But yes, it all makes perfect sense now and wow! Yours is spectacular!

I too have a strict 'budget' on my craft time with having a little one at home. The anticipation can sometimes be too much! *insert Scottish accent here* "Oh no Capt'n... I think she's gonna burst!!!"

Hugs! Have a great week!
Vikki xoxo