is what Saturday's Retreat, courtesy of Tracy from Tinker's Cart was! I have only one finished waaaaay too soon!
North Queensland crafters were allowed the pleasure of spending the day with Leanne Beasley, Rosalie Quinlan and Bronwyn Hayes of Red Brolly fame.
It was such a treat meeting these ladies, and seeing their work 'in the real' aaaaaaaaaarrwwwwww!!!......simply spectacular!
Tracy had really put some effort into making the place look very tropical for our southern guests, and the weather really was on its best behaviour. I was so excited in the morning that I didn't take many photos, and it was only during the lunchbreak that I thought, "How am I going to share this with my blogging buddies?", so........
....Notice our colourful, tropical bags....filled to the brim with goodies??? pity the flowers were too big to plant behind our ears.....despite that, Rosie and Leanne acclimatised to the tropics with their real-life versions....... frangipani flowers !!!!
Apart from Bronwyn's Sucky Puffs Challenge (aka suffolk puffs....where some ladies were able to complete them in less than a minute *yikes*), we pretty much had free range on what we wanted to do from the bag....I figure I spent the first hour just browsing through and coming to terms with the amount of stuff that was in there!!!! I reckon I've got enough projects to keep me going, at least until next year's retreat!
I ended up deciding on one of Rosie's Christmas stitcheries, but instead of reverse redwork, I thought I might try a beautiful blue on white version using my lovely new Cosmos threads......
Very Winter Wonderland-ish, don't you think???
I'm certainly learning to perfect my chain stitch and satin stitch too! It's nowhere near as nice as Rosalie's .....more practice needed...... I wonder if the boss will mind if I take some time off....????? LOL
Thanks Tracy for a lovely day......take note....I'm booking in for next year....don't care where, when or how......a thoroughly, enjoyable day!!!! Thanks ladies for joining us up here in the're Absolutely Fabulous and can't wait to meet up again soon!
I did remind myself that I really didn't need couldn't afford much, but there were sooooo many beautiful fabrics, patterns, embellishments, cottons, yada yada yada......, which found their way home with me....but I'll have to show you next post.
My mojo has finally been given a shake up and I'm so keen to get started on so many things! (perhaps I should just finish some first??? LOL)
Yesterday I got stuck into completing the first of my knee rugs our guild is making for the lovely people in the local aged home. We spent a weekend, heads down, recently making these rugs to donate (I could only make one day due to my anniversary fishing trip). These have only a flannel backing as the home is centrally heated and after all, this is North Queensland and our winter does only consist of about two weeks of the year on average!!!! (sorry....not trying to make you jealous!.....our temperatures do drop down to single figures.......on the odd occasion!!)
Have a wonderfully productive week....hope it inspires you and gets your mojo moving too!
sugary hugs
XXX Wendy :O)
What a wonderful day you had ... I'm totally green with envy - how fab to get to meet those incredibly talented ladies ;o)!!! So what was in the goodie bag (apart from the flowers lol)??? Can't wait to see what you bought too :o).
Your quilt looks lovely and snuggly Wendy, I bet it will be well loved!! So glad you got your mojo back :oD!!!
Joy :o)
Thanks for thinking of us while on retreat. Looks like it was a wonderful way to 're-mojo'.
Your knee rug looks snuggly and what a lovely idea.
I am so jealous! You must have had a wonderful time - can't wait to hear more!
It looks like you had a ball and it is great to meet and work with those lovely ladies. the quilt has turned out very well well done.
What a wonderful time you had, Wendy!! Love the stitchery you chose...
I know you had a fab time Wendy because I've also spent time with those "awesome aussies" at retreats as well. Luv, luv, luv, your stitchery in the blue...does look nice and cool.
Kind Regards
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