Friday 31 December 2010

Sew It’s Finished


Another year is almost over, and it’s the time for making resolutions…..not the “I must lose enough weight to turn into a supermodel” type resolutions, but ones you want to AND know you CAN stick to (with a bit of encouragement and support)….you know…the crafty ones!!!

But before you can do that, you really need to take stock of what you have to get finished….which is what Dawn and I have been talking about for the past couple of weeks.

We’ve discovered we are both the type to start projects, fully intent on getting them done…..until another one that JUST HAS to be made is begun!!!!   Hence, a never-ending pile of UFO’s.


So we’ve made a pact and we would like you to come along and join us for the challenge……

The challenge is:


1  Make a list of all your UFO’s   (and if you’re anything like me….this isn’t as easy as it sounds!!!!)

2 Prioritise them

3. Add them to your sidebar

What do you get out of it????

Encouragement and support from crafty like-minded people….and the satisfaction of knowing you’re getting things done!

How do you join in????

We thought the best way around it was to start a blog for those who want to join us.  We have called it:

“Sew It’s Finished” 2011 UFO Challenge

So….if you leave a comment either here, or on Dawn’s blog, we’ll email you with the details.  This is open to the first 100 people.  More can join in, but you will only go on to a blog roll
and  not be able to do posts on our new blog of your finishes.
Sorry this is a Blogger rule not ours...

Have a think??? Do you want to finish some UFO's

and have some help and encouragement along the way?

Start writing that list!

If you’re making new year’s resolutions…’s the time!!!!!!


Have the Best New Year Celebrations and may your bobbins always be full in 2011

Sugary hugs

Wendy  8O)


Don’t forget….It’s your last chance to go here and leave a comment  to go into the draw to win a free 12 month subscription to the Quilt Pattern Magazine before we turn into pumpkins at midnight tonight!!!

Fingers crossed!!!!     Good luck!


Karen said...

Well now I did't realise that there were at least 2 others out there who did the same thing I did and end up with heaps of UFO's - lol - so yes please for the sign up. Can the list wait until tomorrow? I cant remember all the names of projects of hand. I am going to change things on the blog in the New Year.
Hope yours is a good one.

Vickie said...

Oh no Wendy my works in progress can't be listed it's way too scary..this year I'm not joining any challenges to get them finished -I'm just going to aim at finishing one a month ..I love to read and see hoe others have progressed...wishing you and your family a happy new year,cheers Vickie

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog through Dawn (and left my comment on her blog.) Your work is beautiful! I'm your newest follower. :)

Allie said...

Wendy, I don't have a lot of ufo's, so I'm not going to join you guys in this - but I'll be watching to see all the wonderful projects that are finished!!! Happy New Year!

Narelle said...

My finishes will be slow and hopefully steady but I'll do my best. I already have a 'UFOs for 2011' list on my blog.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I think I need to join in on this one Wendy I have a box full of flimsies that I need to complete and I think this will help me...fantastic idea thanks Wendy.....

Di said...

I think I need to join this one too, have way too many UFOs

Willow Grove - Kez said...

Wendy. I would love to be add into finishing off my UFO this year. I have so many and its going to so hard to list but then I will have no excuse then. I think I need the support to get more going on them.

Anne-Mettes Oaser said...

I would love to be a part of this challenge. During the last years I have been making lists every year of my WISPs and I allready listed 9 projects on my blog, which I would like to finish this year. Not sure I will manage all 9, beause I prefer to work by hand and some of the projects are large. It would be nice to "work together".
A great and funny idea, Wendy.

Sue said...

Please count me in! It's only Jan 3rd and I'm wavering already...

Sue said...

Oops! In my excitement I forgot my email addy... thequirkyquilter @ gmail dot com

Sue said...

Hello again...for the third time....I've packed my bags and moved over to Blogspot and would still like to join. I hope this doesn't cause you any confusion!
Sue (formerly of

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

hmmm yes I think that I need to join in this one too ta very much! I can't say that I am looking forward to counting up all my WIPs 'tho!! ! What a nasty thort, BUT a great way to encourage me to get them finished!

Anonymous said...

I just put my UFO-list on my blog. If I can I want to join this challenge

Liz said...

Do you still have vacancies for this challenge?
If so can I join please?
Can we work at our own pace? This would work for me better, for my busy life, than a designated time line. I have a few UFOs that don't need much more to finish so I could use the encouragement.
Thanks from Liz

Bec said...

I would love to join in, half finished projects seem to breed up at my place! Bec xxx

Anonymous said...

You girls must have read my mind. This is exactly what I want to achieve this year so please count me in.

ARC said...

Is it too late to be included? I desperately need to do this :-)