Sunday 28 October 2012

How does your garden grow?

Stitching together some garden goodness for a quick row by row swap this weekend….

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made me think of checking on the progress of the ‘real’ garden.  Seeing as it’s spring here in the southern hemisphere, there’s lots blooming at this time of year….

the roses…..

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the tropical frangipani,

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and hibiscus….

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the crotons,

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the red torch ginger,

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my pineapple (which I struck from sticking the pineapple top in the ground after we’d eaten the fruit!!!!),

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even the bees were working hard in my bromeliad!

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The pink flowering rosemary,

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the gerberas,

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a climbing vanilla pod orchid,

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and even the spider has his place (or her place!).

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  I like to call her Charlotte……or maybe Charlie if it’s a male???….I wonder if Charlie, my cat, will be offended???…doesn’t look like it!

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So far, the garden’s doing ok.    No silver bells or cockle shells though….but lots of pretty flowers all in a row don’t you think?!!!

Sugary hugs



Sisbabestitches said...

Gosh the garden is really blooming! Your rows look just the thing :)

Monika said...

Gosh, I absolutely adore those hibiscus!! Our spring has been rather cold, fruit trees are just finishing flowering and I have just discovered the first sign of life of our tropical frangipani. I can't believe how gorgeous your roses are, I didn't know you could grow them that far north! With the weather getting better it's really hard deciding whether to do sth. outside or sew - you obviously manage to do both and well! xo

Michelle Ridgway said...

What a Gorgeous garden you must have. Such beautiful plants. Sweet row by row too.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Your garden is so beautiful Wendy and I love your row, such pretty fabric..

Anonymous said...

such a gorgeous garden Wendy.xx

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

Your garden is beautiful, I love your Hibiscus! BTW How is your knee going Wendy? I hope you are well.

Roseanne said...

Love your row by row and your flower are so nice. I have got all my veg garden done But my flower garden need some help.

Anthea said...

Hi Wendy, your sewing looks lovely... and of course I'm loving your hibiscus! They are gorgeous, mine are blooming well at the moment too...