For those new to the Birthday-Love Stash, if you click on the BLS button on my sidebar, it will take you to the post that explains all, but basically, you sign up below, make some birthday gifts for your friends and family (or whoever), and blog about it and at the end of the month, you could win a prize from me!
This month’s prize will be these two gorgeous patterns from the Jenny of Elefantz range….Rose House and Cutie Key Ring Fobs, ‘cause you just cant have a house without a key to lock the front door!!!!!
A huge sugary thank-you to Jenny for offering this month’s prize. I absolutely love her blog, have you seen it?? Go and have a read for yourself HERE ...she's an amazing woman with an absolute heart of gold..... I’ve been reading her latest e-magazine too….why don't you take a look HERE I know you won't be disappointed.
There’ll also be a bonus gift to this stash if you tell others about the Birthday-Love Stash on your blog and get them to sign up to May’s Birthday-Love Stash too…. they’ll have to tell me you sent them in the comments below, and sign up with Mr Linky on this post…. but you will be in the draw for the bonus gift as well as the prize (I’ll give you a hint……you just won’t need to buy ALL your requirements to make up your Rose House wall hanging!!!! *wink*)
Ok....time to start linking!
Sugary hugs :O)
Oops spelt my name wrong. Looking forward to linking up with you again. Meant to be Harding
Lets see if I can actually make something this month...... sometimes it is not 'the thought that counts!!"
Sign me up Captain! I have a week off work and am heading to Sunlit Blooms this morning for some retail therapy then sewing, sewing, sewing. Would love to win this month as I love Jenny's stitchery's.
Definitely some stitching this month towards the stash lol after not getting anything done last month. I dont have too many birthdays to stitch for so no matter.
5 ovenmitts down at least one more to go :-)
Oops Wendy, just realised I'm logged in with the wrong (the work) account lol
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