Friday 17 April 2015

FREE Friends BOF - Block 2: Happiness is live and it’s countdown to FNSI

Yep, it’s time!

bof button

Block 2 is ready for you to download.    You can get your free copy from my Craftsy store, where you’ll also find Block 1, and lots of my other patterns.  I just love this one…..

Block 2 blog (1024x1024)

It just about sums it up for me….Friends just complete me….they bring such joy and happiness to my life, filling it to the brim….it always feels like sunshine when my friends are around me…or just knowing they’re in my heart gives me strength, just like the flower, growing stronger each day because the sunlight shines upon it……do you feel the same way too?

Head on over and print off your copy so we can all stitch together in our monthly, worldwide friendship sew-in and have a ‘happiness overload’ night ……. have you signed up yet?  You can do that HERE if you haven’t had the chance yet.  You know you want to, and I’ve even made it easy for you with something ready to stitch! (or you could be like me and choose something from the UFO pile?)



See you tonight.

xox Sugary hugs with happiness galore :o)



Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

I'm so excited! what a great thing to see first thing this morning :D Thank you!

Allie said...

So stinkin' cute, Wendy!!! And yay, I'm finally joining in on FNSI - gonna get all my supplies ready [which include my new Lucy Show dvd's, lol] and join in the fun! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! That's another wonderful block. I haven't been able to stitch Friday nights, so I haven't been signing up. I hope that changes soon!

West Michigan Quilter said...

What a cute block. I didn't know about the stitch in. I'd like to participate, but first have to check if any family will be here. Thanks for posting about this!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Another sweet block, hon! x