Wednesday 5 March 2014

Birthday-Love Stash draw .... at last!

Sorrreeeeeeeee……I was just so pre-occupied with getting ready for Lets Get Stitched (only 1 1/2 days till we fly out!!!) I forgot all about the draw!
There were only 5 participants last month.......hoping that picks up in the months to come.....but it does raise the chances of winning for those that enter when there's only a few!!! *hint hint*
But Mr RNG did his thing tonight and here's who he picked.....
Number 5 just happens to be .....
Congratulations Marilyn.....I'll be bringing your prize down to Melbourne with me!!!!! 
Now, if you'd like to join in with us this month for the Birthday Love Stash, you can sign up below.   The prize will be a charm pack of
....Moda Modernism by Barbara Brackman.
Worth signing up for!!!!!
Sugary hugs xox :o)


Lin said...

Congratulations to Marilyn and I hope that you have a great tip. xx

Lin said...

Of course that should have read trip!!

Danielle said...

I am really loving the BLS! It has been a huge help to me when planning and completing projects. Heaven knows that sometimes, well, usually, the need-to-do projects get pushed aside for the want-to-do projects! Thank you!!

shez said...

congrats marilyn.xx

Edi said...

Congratulations Marilyn.
Wendy, have a safe trip and an absolutely marvelous time with all your new and old friends. Keeping you in prayers.

Jo said...

Congratulations Marilyn.
This looks fun to join. I have been making little gifts to put away for birthdays / Xmas. I am always looking for ideas. I am currently making dishcloths

Sue W said...

I've loved reading about this many blogs are talking about it! What fun to meet up with like minded ladies. Thanks for the chance :)

Marilyn said...

Thank you for my prize, Wendy. Of course once again in March I havent taken pics of the birthday gifties I have already given. Grrr. would forget my head............... hehe.