Sunday 29 November 2009

Where am I????

whew.....what a week!... well report cards are finally finished (thank goodness!!) and the new baby is actually at home with me now.  I'm catching up on all the blogs i've been missing these past couple of weeks and a quicky post as I go and finish my Christmas deco for the swap.

Will report back with piccies tonight of all the exciting things that have been going on here....I'm still in 'amore' with my new baby...gotta pinch I'm just going out for another spin!!!!!!....just once more...before I give her a bath and a gentle rub down!!!

sugary hugs  'o)


Cottage Contessa said...

Hi Wendy! Oh sweetie your new baby looks and sounds GORGEOUS! lol I know that feeling, I became the proud mamma of a new Landcruiser last year too! Good that school's almost over, you'll be able to relax and cruise around town looking all flash now! lol Have a great week sweetie........
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Sew Useful Designs said...

he he he... Ah Wendy!!! Congrats on your new baby!!!! How exciting!!!! Hmmm... I wonder what one would bring to *that* kind of baby shower?!! An air freshener... some fluffy dice, perhaps?! he he..

Congrats also for finishing those report cards!!!
Lotsa love (it's gotta be sugary!!!)
Vikki xoxo

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

I saw the ad you talked about with the exploding nappy, I nearly killed myself laughing and thought of you. Enjoy the ride, Jess ;-)

Joy said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations on the arrival of your new "baby" LOL!!! Now, what I think you should do is give her a nice long drive, you know, to 'run her in' as you would. Hmmmm, now where could you go????? Ooh!!! I know!!! Brissy's nice ;o)!!!
Big Hugs,
Joy :o)