Monday 23 September 2013

Fabulous Friends and FNSI winners….

I just can not wait for our sewing days, when 4 gals, who not 12 months ago, and who didn’t know each other, (well, not as a group!), get together and just stitch and chat and eat the yummiest of foods, (yes we do that well ….. and don’t you just love Miss Jen’s deliciousness she whipped up this week?),

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(notice Blossom’s early crafty handiwork???….we each had one of her Debbie Mumm inspired placemats she made, many moons ago, to drool over…literally!)037 (Medium)

We laugh till we just about burst,  (notice the oh-so-gorgeous bovine shower cap???)

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…and I don’t know what was really in that salad (or maybe it was the juice??!!??), but Miss Heather went' all ‘hippy’ on us!!!!

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Honestly, we just enjoy each others company for every second we spend together.  We discuss the woes of the world, our lives, our children, our plans for the future and of the past and we bounce ideas off one another and inspire each other exponentially, each and every visit…..

Jen brought out some of her projects she’s made over the years to show us and Heather just about got lost under the ever-increasing piles ….she even tried to sneak some into her bag (I think next time she’s bringing a ‘small’ suitcase!!!! LOL).  After a couple of hours of inspiration from the first big plastic bin, it was almost time to go home…..we didn’t even get to open the other two!!!  

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But we all left with love in our hearts and an insatiable itch to stitch….I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re all up till late every night until we meet for another stitchy session!!!! LOL

And yes, there was a LITTLE stitching done, but do you think I photographed that ????……..naaaaaah…….we chat, giggle and solve the problems of the world whilst we’re stitchin’!!!!!!!   But you can see evidence of what Jenny got up to over on her blog. For the rest of us, you’ll just have to trust me! *wink*

Now it’s a three week wait for the next stitching day… it’s school holidays, Nonna Heather has grandchildren duty………how are we going to cope without a stitching day for three weeks???!!!   Stitching days with friends really are such good therapy…..cheaper than a shrink by far, and waaaaay more effective, I’m sure!!!! *cheeky grin*


Now if you’ve read this far, I’m sure you’re waiting to read who are our winners in this month’s FNSI……..

Well, there were 57 of us this month…….if you haven’t had a chance to go and see what everyone got up to, you can go through the links HERE and visit everyone……we had so much fun!

Mr RNG did the spinny thing and came up with these two lucky ladies……

Sept 1st PrizeSept 2nd Prize

Tracy                   and                 Kim

Congratulations to both of you …..just email me your snail mails, and I’ll get your prizes out in the mail, tout suite!

BDR Roses_thumb[7]

Dont forget to visit the bloggers in the next scheduled Wool Lovers Blog Hop Day…….. Remember, some ladies are overseas so their Monday posts might not be up yet…….

here they are, so far….

Monday, September 23

CJ Stitching and Blooms

Negligent Style

Sweet P

Reluctant Quilter

Racie Baby

Patchouli Moon Studio

The Raspberry Rabbits

Tuesday, September 24

Marla's Crafts

Secretly Stitching

Marjorie's Busy Corner

Sew Many Yarns

Val Spiers Sews
Quilted Crow Girls Design

Big Sugary Hugs xox :o)

my signature


Maria said...

Spending time stitching with friends or daughter's is just the best therapy . You have some great stitchy friends.

Congratulations to Tracy and Kim.. Enjoy your win.

Anonymous said...

congrats to the winners.xx

quilty stitches said...

What a blessing that you have "stitchy friends" to get together with, and yes it is better than a shrink I'm sure!! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I've been to the wool hop already today! I love seeing your photos and Jenny's of your get-togethers. How hard it must have been to leave her house without looking in all the bins!

Fiona said...

Lovely fun day altogether when stitchers gather... but not much stitching ...

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

Stitching days with friends are always the best.

Noela said...

Congratulations to the winners. Looking at the photos, you girls certainly had a wonderful day. Hugs......

Tammy said...

Congratulations to the winners. You ladies have way too much stitching fun. Hugs from South Carolina, USA.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

My sides are aching today! SO much laughing...and it never stops!
You girls bless the socks off me...

Maria said...

Sounds delightful, Wendy! I'm thinking I might have to move up north so I can join in! Lol

Rosie said...

I'm still dreaming of what was in that box! Can't wait to get into the others! ! LOL!

Kim said...

Thanks Wendy. You look like you had a great day.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

What a fantastic way to spend a day...congrats to the winners